Lecturers: |
Jan Abshagen (lecture) and Frederik Kühne (exercise) |
Room: |
F-SR I (see Univis for details) |
E-mail: |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Language: |
English |
Term: |
Winter term |
Target group: |
Students in electrical engineering |
Prerequisites: |
Previous knowledge about digital signal processing and linear systems. |
Contents: |
During the lecture and the exercises basic knowledge about the principles of sound and vibrations and their applications in the field of underwater acoustics should be acquired. Students should learn about the physical and technical aspects of noise generation, noise measurements, and noise reduction in underwater environments. By means of comparison the students should recognize the differences between waterborne and airborne sound. Elementary methods and techniques of underwater sound measurements should also be understood by the listeners of the lecture.
Topic overview:
- Fundamentals of vibrations
- Mechanical oscillators
- Electro-mechanic analogy
- Vibrating string
- Theory of sound fields
- Basic equations
- Simple sound sources
- Reflection
- Refraction
- Absorption
- Sound and systems
- Resonators
- Filters
- Waveguides
- Enclosed spaces
- Diffuse sound field
- Transducers
- Electroacoustic transduction
- Radiation pattern
- Hydroacoustic transducers
- Sound-structure interaction
- Vibrating plate
- Sound radiation
- Flow-induced noise
- Quite structure design
- Ship acoustics
- Structure-borne sound
- Interior noise
- Transmission loss
- Source level
- Acoustic sensor systems
- Directivity
- Antenna design
- Hydroacoustic antennas
- Interior flow noise
- Underwater noise measurement
- Reverberation
- Ambient noise
- Ship noise
- Noise mapping
- Ocean monitoring
- Impulsive underwater noise
- Construction noise
- Wind turbines
- Acoustics of air bubbles
- Noise reduction
- Oceanographic Instruments
- Acoustic Doppler current profiler
- Seafloor acoustic systems
- Acoustic tomography

References: |
- L. Kinsler, A. Frey, A. Coppens, J. Sanders: Fundamentals of Acoustics, Wiley, 2009
- J. Blauert, N. Xiang: Acoustics for Engineers, Springer, 2008
- R. Lerch, G. Sessler, D. Wolf: Technische Akustik, Springer, 2009
- M. Möser: Technische Akustik, Springer 2015
- R. Urick: Principles of Underwater Sound, McGraw-Hill, 1975
- H. Medwin: Sounds in the Sea, Cambridge, 2005<
- J. Abshagen: Wasserschallmessungen, M. Möser (Hsg.), Springer, 2018
Picture sources: |
- F. Gerdes, M. Görler, M. Wildemann, A. Müller, C. Zerbs: Measurements of pile driving noise at the research platform FINO3. In: W. Kropp, O. von Estorff and B. Schulte-Fortkamp (eds.), Proceedings of the 45th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2016, German Acoustical Society, 7126 - 7133, 2016
- E. Schmidtke: Kreisarray zur Richtungsbestimmung akustischer Signale. Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2016 (Aachen), 147 - 149, 2016
- J. Abshagen, D. Stiller, V. Nejedl: Schallausbreitung in einem Oberflächenkanal im norwegischen Sognefjord. Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2018 (München), 863 - 865, 2018