Booking of Oral Exams
Oral Exams
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Good luck for your exam.
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To register for an oral exam in the DSS group, please use this form.
Good luck for your exam.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Schmidt
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Faculty of Engineering
Institute for Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering
Digital Signal Processing and System Theory
Kaiserstr. 2
24143 Kiel, Germany
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Visit of the Hans Böckler Foundation
The Hans Böckler Foundation offers students not only financial support, but also a wide range of seminars. We had the pleasure of taking part in an exciting seminar on the topic of ‘Data channels in the seabed - insights into the underwater infrastructure of the future’. We spent one day at the Faculty of Engineering at Kiel University. We were given presentations on various topics. Such as the geology of the seabed and the submarine cable incident between Finland and Estonia.
We were particularly impressed by the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes and experience the work of the students and researchers up close. We were allowed to visit the clean room and the special ‘paddling pool’ where experiments are tested directly in water. We were deeply impressed by the university and its diverse research opportunities. Thank you very much for your hospitality and the exciting insights!
Text and photo by Luise Artmann