Seminar "Selected Topics in Speech and Audio Signal Processing"


Basic Information
Lecturers: Gerhard Schmidt and group
Semester: Summer term
Language: English or German
Target group: Master students in electrical engineering and computer engineering
Prerequisites: Fundamentals in digital signal processing

If you want to sign up for this seminar, you need to register with the following information in the registration form

  • surname, first name,
  • e-mail address,
  • matriculation number,

Please note that the registration period starts xx.xx.2024 at 10:00 h and ends xx.xx.2024 at 23:59 h. All applications before and after this registration period will not be taken into account.

Registration will be possible within the before mentioned time by sending an e-mail with the desired seminar topic, name and matriculation number to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Only one student per topic is permitted (first come - first serve).

The registration is binding. A deregistration is only possible by sending an e-mail with your name and matriculation number to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until Sunday, xx.xx.2024 at 23:59 h. All later cancellations of registration will be considered as having failed the seminar.

Time: Preliminary meeting per arrangement with individual supervisor
Written report due on xx.xx.2025
Final presentations, xx.xx.2025 at xx:xx h, xx

Students write a scientific report on a topic closely related to the current research of the DSS group. Potential topics, therefore, deal with digital signal processing related to speech and audio signal processing.

Students will also present their findings in front of the other participants and the DSS group.


Topics for WS 23/24

Topic title Description
Overview: Features and Examination of Voice Tremores

Tremor can occur as a symptom of various diseases and can be studied to distinguish between them. Accelerometers and EMG sensors can be used to analyze tremor of different body parts such as hands, arms or the head. However, the voice can also be affected by tremor, which cannot be mapped with the variants used so far. In this seminar an overview of the features and examination possibilities of such a voice tremor will be given. For this purpose, comparable studies in the literature will be found and examined. Finally, useful approaches for the combination with hand-tremor analysis are identified.

Audio-visual Speech Recognition

While speaking, movements of the speaker´s lips (and other visible articulators) contains information. Seeing somebody speaking significantly improves our ability of understanding under noisy conditions. Using both modalities – auditory and visual - for feature extraction can improve several speech analysis tasks and also speech recognition. In this seminar, different approaches for visual speech recognition and feature extraction algorithms should be investigated. Therefore, advantages, disadvantages and limitations should be discussed. Eventually, you will outline what methods or features could be applied in the context of dysarthric speech and discuss challenges and differences in this context.