Download of the SPID Corpus


Please feel free to download the SUMS corpus. If you want to give some reference to the origin of the corpus please cite one of the papers listed below.

In addition, it would be great if you let us know about your application or research and maybe you have some ideas for further extension of the corpus. In this case please contact Gerhard Schmidt.


Available Corpus Versions

Date SPID release version Size Download
01.02.2016 1.0 18 GByte



Corresponding Publications


R. Landgraf, T. John, G. Schmidt, M. Gimm, O. Niebuhr: Man höre und staune – Perzeptive Evidenz für die Funktionalität eines ICC-Systems anhand von Dialogdaten aus einer multimodalen Fahrsimulation, DAGA 2018


R. Landgraf, G. Schmidt, J. Köhler-Kaeß, O. Niebuhr, and T. John: More Noise, Less Talk - The Impact of Driving Noise and ICC Systems on Acoustic-prosodic Parameters in Dialogue, Proc. DAGA, Kiel, Germany, open access, 2017


R. Landgraf, J. Köhler-Kaeß, C. Lüke, O. Niebuhr, G. Schmidt: Can You Hear Me Now? Reducing the Lombard Effect in a Driving Car Using an In-Car Communication System, Proc. Speech Prosody, pp. 479 - 483, 2016


A. Warhadpande, C. Lüke, A. Theiß, G. Schmidt: Improvement by Adding Video Feature in an Acoustic Ambiance Simulation for Automobiles, 7th Biennial Workshop on DSP for In-Vehicle Systems and Safety 2015, Berkeley, CA, USA


O. Niebuhr, B. Peters, R. Landgraf, G. Schmidt: The Kiel Corpora of "Speech & Emotion" - A Summary, Proc. DAGA 2015, March 16-19, 2015, Nürnberg, Germany


R. Landgraf, O. Niebuhr, G. Schmidt, T. John, C. Lüke, A. Theiß: Von der Straße ins Labor: Die Modifikation der Sprachproduktion bei lauten Fahrgeräuschen, DAGA 2015, Nürnberg, Germany


C. Lüke, A. Theiß, G. Schmidt, O. Niebuhr, T. John: Creation of a Lombard Speech Database using an Acoustic Ambiance Simulation with Loudspeakers, 6th Biennial DSP Workshop for In-Vehicle Systems 2013, Seoul, Korea