Lecture "Digital Audio Effects"

Basic Information
Lecturers: Klaus Linhard  (lecture and exercise)
Room: Kaiserstraße 2, Building F, SR-III
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Language: English
Target group: Students in electrical engineering and computer engineering
Prerequisites: Previous knowledge about digital signal processing and linear systems. Some experience with MATLAB is useful, but not mandatory.

Students attending this lecture should be able to implement efficient and robust signal processing structures. Knowledge about moving from the analog to the digital domain and vice versa including the involved effects (and trap doors) should be acquired. Also differences (advantages and disadvantages) between time and frequency domain approaches should be learnt.

Topic overview:

  • Digital signal processing - summary
    • Ordered sequences of numbers
    • Difference equations
    • Linear systems
  • Frequency-domain processing - summary
    • Discrete Fourier transform
    • Fast convolution
    • Transfer functions and spectra
  • Introduction to MATLAB and motivation
  • Digital filters
    •  A,B,C,R468 weighting filters
    • Equalizer
    • Sampling rate conversion
  • Dynamic compression
    • Fullband
    • Multiband
    • De-esser
  • Room acoustics and reverberation
    • Impulse response
    • Reverberation
  • SOLA and PSOLA
    • Changing audio time length and pitch in time domain
  • Phase vocoder
    • Changing audio time length and pitch in frequency domain
References: Zölzer, U.: Digital Audio Effects, John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Zölzer, U.: Digital Audio Signal Processing, John Wiley & Sons, 2008
Zölzer, U.: Digitale Audiosignalverarbeitung, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2005
Smith, J.O.: Introduction to Digital Filters: with Audio Applications, W3K Publishing, 2007
Smith, J.O.: Mathematics of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT): with audio Applications, De Gruyter Saur, 2013
Smith, J.O.: Spectral Audio Signal Processing, W3K Publishing, 2011
Dickreiter, M.: Handbuch der Tontechnik, De Gruyter Saur, 2013


Audio and Exercise Sheets

Within the lecture several audio and exercise sheets are distributed. A selection can be found below.

Topic Explanation Audio sheet Exercise sheet
Electric guitar distortion Link Link Link


Within the individual audio sheets you can hear several sound examples. Some of them are specially produced for playback with headphones, some others can be listened to via loudspeakers or headphones. In order to indicate the specific cases, we used the following symbols.

Both, standard loudspeaker and headphone playback is possible.
Please listen to the effect via standard loudspeakers (studio monitors in best case). The missing extra reverberation of headphone playback might disturb the effect under investigation.
Please listen to the audio examples via headphones. The stronger reverbereation of standard loudspeaker playback might destroy the effect that should be investigated.
Neither standard loudspeaker nor headphone playback is possible. This symbol is not yet used in our examples, which is not a surprise, of course.



Below you can find the schedule of the lecture and exercises of the blockcourse.

Date Room Time Topic
11.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 08:30 h - 11:00 Lecture 1
11.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 13:30 h - 16:00 Lecture 2
12.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 08:30 h - 11:00 Lecture 3
12.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 13:30 h - 16:00 Lecture 4
13.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 08:30 h - 11:00 Lecture 5
13.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 13:30 h - 16:00 Lecture 6
18.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 08:30 h - 11:00 Lecture 7
18.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 13:30 h - 16:00 Lecture 8
19.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 08:30 h - 11:00 Lecture 9
19.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 13:30 h - 16:00 Lecture 10
20.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 08:30 h - 11:00 Lecture 11
20.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 13:30 h - 16:00 Lecture 12
25.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 08:30 h - 11:00 Exercise 1
25.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 13:30 h - 16:00 Exercise 2
26.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 08:30 h - 11:00 Exercise 3
26.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 13:30 h - 16:00 Exercise 4
27.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 08:30 h - 11:00 Exercise 5
27.08.2025 KS2/Geb.F - SR-III 13:30 h - 16:00 Exercise 6


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