M. Sc. Karoline Gussow

Room: C-01.022 (ZEVS)
Kaiserstraße 2, 24143 Kiel, Germany
Phone: +49 431 880-6129
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0009-0007-5793-1788
Google scholar: Link


Research: Real-time MIMO SONAR Systems Utilizing Thin-film Sensor Technology

Monitoring maritime infrastructures, such as ports, locks or offshore wind farms, often occurs above the water surface. Technologies for underwater monitoring, such as SONAR systems, have so far only been applied to a limited extent for various reasons. On the one hand, there are technological limitations, as there is a trade-off between resolution and range of the SONAR system. On the other hand, there are financial reasons, since monitoring a large area requires many projectors and hydrophones and the ceramics used so far are expensive.

The aim is therefore to develop a real-time SONAR system for monitoring maritime infrastructures and traffic routes, overcoming the mentioned limitations and enhancing overall performance. This will involve novel approaches from the fields of signal processing and materials science. These include, for example, MIMO signal processing and thin-film sensor technology.

Related topics:

  • Real-time signal processing
  • SONAR systems
  • Underwater transducer evaluation


Further interests:

  • Adaptive filters
  • Machine learning


Short CV

Time span Details
2023 - current Research Assistant at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany
2021 - 2022 M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Business Administration at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany
2017 - 2021 B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Business Administration at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany
2017 - 2017 Marketing assistant at Stadtwerke Kiel AG, Kiel, Germany
2014 - 2017 Apprenticeship as an industrial management assistant at Stadtwerke Kiel AG, Kiel, Germany




    F. Kühne, B. Kaulen, C. Kanarski, F. Röhrdanz, K. Gussow, G. Schmidt: Detektion und Klassifikation von Objekten aus von SONAR-Systemen erstellten Plots mithilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz, Proc. DAGA, Germany, 2024


    K. Gussow, B. Kaulen, F. Kühne, C. Kanarski, F. Röhrdanz, M. Driesen, S. Rautenberg, J. Abshagen, E. Mackensen, D. Meyners, E. Quandt, G. Schmidt: Untersuchung des Einflusses verschiedener Array- Öffnungswinkel bei MIMO-SONAR-Systemen, Proc. DAGA, Germany, 2024


    B. Kaulen, F. Kühne, O. Wisch, C. Kanarski, K. Gussow, G. Schmidt: Entwurf und Konzeptionierung eines Mehrkanal-Wiener-Filters in einem aktiven SONAR-System, Proc. DAGA, Germany, 2023


    C. Kanarski, B. Kaulen, F. Kühne, O. Wisch, K. Gussow, S. Christensen, G. Schmidt: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous SONAR Port Monitoring, Proc. DAGA, Germany, 2023


    F. Kühne, O. Wisch, B. Kaulen, C. Kanarski, K. Gussow, G. Schmidt: Entwurf einer Signalverarbeitung für räumlich verteilte MIMO-SONAR-Systeme, Proc. DAGA, Germany, 2023


    K. Gussow, B. Kaulen, O. Wisch, F. Kühne, C. Kanarski, H. Lewitz, E. Quandt, G. Schmidt: Entwurf und Implementierung einer schnellen 3D-Direktivitätsmessung und automatischen Entzerrung von akustischen Schallwandlern, Proc. DAGA, Germany, 2023