Lecture "Digital Signal Processing"
Basic Information | ||
Lecturers: | Gerhard Schmidt (lecture) and Owe Wisch (exercise) | |
Room: | Building F - SR I (lecture and exercise) | |
E-mail: | ||
Language: | German | |
Target group: | Students of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering in their 6th semester, also for students of Computer Science or Physics with appropriate knowledge of signals and systems. |
Prerequisites: | Mathematics for engineers I, II, III, Foundations in electrical engineering I, II | |
Contents: |
Topic overview:
References: | Rabiner, L. R.; Schafer, R. W.: Digital Processing of Speech Signals, Prentice-Hall, 1978 Kondoz, A. M.: Digital Speech-Coding for Low Bit Rate Communications System, John Wiley & Sons, 1994 von Grünigen, Daniel: Digitale Signalverarbeitung, Hanser, 2014 |
No news available, yet.
Lecture slides
Please note that the questionnaires will be uploaded every week before the excercises, if you download them earlier, you won't get the most recent version.
A formulary can be found below:
Link | Content |
Formulary |
Evaluation | |||
Current evaluation | Completed evaluations |
Matlab demos
Filter design using linear prediction (click to enlarge and see the code)
% Parameter
N = 32; % Filterordnung
f_s = 16000; % Abtastfrequenz
% Stuetzstellen im Frequenz- und dB-Bereich
f_supp = [0 1000 2000 2900 3000 4000 4100 5000 6000 7000 f_s/2];
H_mag_dB_supp = [0 0 0 -30 -40 -40 -30 -20 -20 -20 -20];
% Interpolation des Stuetzstellenvektors
N_FFT = 4086;
f_int = 0:f_s/N_FFT:f_s/2;
H_mag_dB_int = interp1(f_supp, H_mag_dB_supp,f_int,'pchip');
% Bestimmung LDS und AKF
H_mag_int = 10.^(H_mag_dB_int/20);
S_hh = H_mag_int.^2;
S_hh = [S_hh, S_hh(end-1:-1:2)];
s_hh = ifft(S_hh);
% Filterentwurf
[h_iir, pow] = levinson(s_hh,N);
h_fir = sqrt(pow);
% Analyse
[H_res f_res] = freqz(h_fir, h_iir,N_FFT,f_s);
plot(f_supp, H_mag_dB_supp, 'ro', ...
f_int, H_mag_dB_int,'b', ...
f_res, 20*log10(abs(H_res)+eps),'k');
legend('Stuetzstellen','Kubische Interpolation','Entworfenes Filter')
grid on
xlabel('Frequenz in Hz')
Current Oral Exams
Below is the list of students with their exam dates. If you do not have a date for the exam yet please use the oral exam booking system on this website. You can find the booking system here. All oral exams take place in the office of Prof. Gerhard Schmidt (Room D-013).
Date | Time | Students (matriculation numbers) | Assessor |
xx.xx.xxxx | 11:00 h | xxxxxxxxx | Owe Wisch |