Lecture "Signals and Systems II"


Basic Information
Lecturers: Gerhard Schmidt (lecture), Konstantinos Karatziotis and Ralf Burgardt (exercise)
Room: ES21/Geb.D - EG.004 (HS II) - Heinrich-Hertz-Hörsaal
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Language: German
Target group: Students in electrical engineering and computer engineering
Prerequisites: Signals and Systems, Part 1    

This course teaches basics in systems theory for electrical engineering and information technology. This basic course is focused on stochastic signals and linear systems.

Topic overview:

  • Modulation
  • State-space description
  • Stochastic signals and corresponding spectra
  • Linear systems and stochastic signals
  • Ideal systems
  • Add-ons (transforms)
References: E. Hänsler: Statistische Signale, 3.Auflage, Springer, 2001
H. D. Lüke: Signalübertragung, Springer, 1995
H. W. Schüßler: Netzwerke, Signale und Systeme II: Theorie kontinuierlicher und diskreter Signale und Systeme, Springer, 1991



The review of the exam of the summer semester 2024 will take place on 10.10.2024 at 16:00 pm in building C in room 01.028.

Scroll down to find a list of the topics with a detailed schedule for the exercises in WS24/25.


Lecture Slides

Link Content
Slides of the lecture "Modulation"
(Linear and nonlinear modulation, digitalization)
Slides of the lecture "State-space description"
(State-space representation of linear, time-invariant systems)
Slides of the lecture "Stochastic signals and corresponding spectra"
(Random processes, power spectral densities)
Slides of the lecture "Stochastic signals and linear time-invariant systems"
(Random processes, power spectral densities)
Slides of the lecture "Ideal systems"
(Lowpass filter, magnitude and phase distortions)
Slides of the lecture "Extensions on transformations"
(Spectra of sampled continuous and discrete signals, convergence conditions and inverse transformations)


Lecture Videos

Video Content

Modulation - part 1 of 2

Modulation - part 2 of 2

State-space description - part 1 of 2

State-space description - part 2 of 2

Random processes - part 1 of 2

Random processes - part 2 of 2

Reaction of linear systems to random processes - part 1 of 1

Ideal systemes - part 1 of 2

Ideal systemes - part 2 of 2

Add-ons (transforms) - part 1 of 2

Add-ons (transforms) - part 2 of 2


Lecture Script

A script for the lecture is available here. It is currently under construction, but a first version is already available via the link mentioned before. If you find some error, please let me (Gerhard Schmidt) know.



Date Event
21.10.2024 No exercise
28.10.2024 Intro, Theory, Amplitude Modulation
04.11.2024 Question time: Please prepare exercises 1 and 2!
11.11.2024 Theory: Angle modulation
18.11.2024 Question time: Please prepare exercises 3 and 4!
25.11.2024 Theory: Pulse amplitude modulation
02.12.2024 Question time: Please prepare exercise 5!
09.12.2024 Theory: State-space description
16.12.2024 Question time: Please prepare exercise 6!
23.12.2024 No exercise (Winter break)
30.12.2024 No exercise (Winter break)
06.01.2025 Theory: Distributions and correlation
13.01.2025 Question time: Please prepare exercises 9 and 10!
20.01.2025 Theory: Correlation and systems
27.01.2025 Question time: Please prepare exercises 11, 12 and 16!
03.02.2024 Exam preparation



Link Content
All exercises.


Solutions for the Exercises

Link Content
Solutions to all exercises.


Exercise Videos

Video Content Please watch until

Exercise 1


Exercise 2


Exercise 3


Exercise 4


Exercise 5


Exercise 6


Exercise 7

Optional exercise

Exercise 8

Optional exercise

Exercise 9


Exercise 10


Exercise 11


Exercise 12


Exercise 13

Optional exercise

Exercise 14

Optional exercise

Exercise 15

Optional exercise

Exercise 16


Exam preparation



Matlab Theory Examples

Students can use MATLAB for free on their own devices using the new campus-wide license. Alternatively, students can use Windows Remote Server to run Matlab scripts from home.

Matlab introduction (click to expand)

% Matlab introduction
% SuS II (WS21)

close all              % Close all plots
clear                   % Clear workspace
clc                      % Clear console

% Set all fonts to latex style
set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX'); 

% Save color map in variable
cmap = lines;

% Get info from matlab docu e.g for command 'close' -------------
% help close % Short overview
% doc close  % Detailed documentation

% Matrix and element wise arithmetic operations ---------------------
% Use ; to suppress output of statement
% a = [1, 2, 3, 4];    % Row vector
% a = [1 2 3 4];       % Same row vector
% b = [2; 3; 4; 5];    % Column vector
% a = a';                 % Transpose vector
% c = b * a;             % Matrix multiplication
% c = a.* a;             % Element wise multiplication
% size(c)                 % Get matrix dimensions
% length(c)             % Get max of matrix dim.

% Basic parameters
f_s = 100;            % Sample rate [Hz]
T = 10;                 % Signal duration [s]
f_0 = 0.5;             % Test signal frequency [Hz]

% Auxiliary parameters
L = f_s * T + 1;     % Signal length 

% Generate equidistant time scale from 0 to 10 s
t = (0 : L - 1) / f_s;

% Generate signals
% Generate sine test signal with frequency f_0
v = sin(2*pi*f_0*t); 

% Generate uniformly distributed noise signal
v_u = rand(1, L);

% Generate gaussian noise signal
v_g = randn(1, L);

% Create plots

% Minimal plot of test signal ----------------------------------------------
figure            % Open new figure
plot(t, v_g)        % Actual plotting operation

% Plot with some beautification--------------------------------------------
plot(t, v, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', 'red')           
title('Test signal with some beautification')
xlabel('Time / s')          % X axis label
ylabel('Magnitude')      % Y axis label
legend('Test signal')    % Add legend
grid on                        % Add legend
xlim([0 1/f_0])              % Limit x-axis to one period

% Discrete stem plot ------------------------------------------------------
stem(t, v)           
title('Test signal with stem plot')
xlabel('Time / s')          % X axis label
ylabel('Magnitude')      % Y axis label
legend('Test signal')    % Add legend
grid on                        % Add legend
xlim([0 0.5])                 % Limit x-axis

% Multiple plots with hold on ----------------------------------------------
plot(t, v)
title('Multiple plots with hold on')
hold on                 % Keep previous plot
plot(t, -v)
xlabel('Time / s')                                  
legend('Test signal', 'Inv. test signal') 
grid on                                              
xlim([0 1/f_0])                                   

% Multiple plots with subplot ----------------------------------------------
% 2 vertical,1 horizontal plot
subplot(2, 1, 1)    % First subplot
plot(t, v)      
title('Multiple plots with subplot')
legend('Test signal') 
grid on 
xlim([0 1/f_0])    

subplot(2, 1, 2)    % Second subplot
plot(t, -v)
xlabel('Time / s')                                  
legend('Inv. test signal') 
grid on                                              
xlim([0 1/f_0])    

% 3D Plots (will be discussed next week)

% Plot v, v_2 and v_3 as 3D trajectory ----------------------------------

% Generate sine signal as first component
v_x = sin(2*pi*f_0*t).*t; 
% Generate cosine signal as second component
v_y = cos(2*pi*f_0*t).*t; 
% Generate linear function as third component
v_z = t;

plot3(v_x, v_y, v_z)              % 3D plot
title('3D plot as trajectory')
xlabel('X / m')   
ylabel('Y / m')       
zlabel('Z / m')  
axis image                           % Proportional axis
grid on
% Plot noise as surface plot ----------------------------------------------

% Generate gaussian noise as 2D matrix
L_2 = 50;                              % Use less samples
v_2d = randn(L_2, L_2);        % Generate noise
x =  1 : L_2;                           % X axis
y =  1 : L_2;                           % Y axis

% Surface plot
subplot(2, 1, 1)
surf(x, y, v_2d, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'interp')
title('Surface plot 3D')
c = colorbar;                     % Use colorbar               
ylabel(c, 'Magnitude')
colormap jet
xlabel('X / m')   
ylabel('Y / m')       
zlabel('Z / m')  

subplot(2, 1, 2)
surf(x, y, v_2d, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'interp')
title('Surface plot topview')
c = colorbar;
ylabel(c, 'Magnitude')
xlabel('X / m')   
ylabel('Y / m')       
zlabel('Z / m')  
view(0, 90)                        % Rotate view to XY
axis tight                           

Amplitude modulation (click to expand)

% Amplitude modulation and signal obfuscation
% SuS II (WS21)

close all hidden

set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX'); 

% Basic parameters
f_s      = 120e3;        % Sampling frequency in Hz
f_low    = 2e3;        % Lowest signal frequency in Hz
f_high   = 4e3;        % Highest signal frequency in Hz
f_mod1   = 20e3;         % Modulation frequency in Hz
f_mod2   = 25e3;         % Modulation frequency 2 in Hz
T_signal = 10;           % Signal length in s

% Calculate support variables
bw = f_high - f_low;                           % Bandwidth in Hz
L_signal = T_signal * f_s;                     % Signal length in samples
t = (0 : L_signal - 1) / f_s;                  % Time scale
f = linspace(-f_s/2, f_s/2, L_signal)./1e3;    % Frequency scale
v_mod1 = sin(2*pi*f_mod1*t)';                  % Modulation signal
v_mod2 = sin(2*pi*f_mod2*t)';                  % Modulation signal 2

% Design filters
% Design FIR highpass filter (complicated...)

f_hp = f_mod1 + [-1e3, 1e3];
a_hp = [0 1]; 
rp = 1;
rs = 120;

dev = [(10^(rp/20)-1)/(10^(rp/20)+1)  10^(-rs/20)]; 
[n_ord_bp,fo_bp,ao_bp,w] = firpmord(f_hp,a_hp,dev,f_s);

b_high = firpm(n_ord_bp+1,fo_bp,ao_bp);

% Design Butterworth lowpass filter for demodulation -----------------------------
f_c = 30e3;      % Cutoff freq in Hz
n = 30;          % Cutoff freq in Hz

[z,p,k] = butter(n, f_c/(f_s/2));
[sos_low, g_low] = zp2sos(z, p, k);

% Generate initial time signal
% Use sum of multiple sine functions in specified frequency range

u = 1* sin(2*pi*f_low*t)';
u = u + 0.5 *sin(2*pi*f_high*t)';
% Processing chain for amplitude modulation
% Modulate, demodulate and filter inital signal
% Use either this or the other processing chains

% Process FFT of initial time signal --------------------------------------
% Process FFT:                  fft(..)
% Absolute spectrum:            abs(..)
% Weight correctly:             ../ L
% Shift to get correct x axis:  circshift(.., - ceil(L / 2)
% See MATLAB docu for more info on FFT processing 
U = circshift(abs(fft(u)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Modulation step ---------------------------------------------------------
g_1 = u.*v_mod1;
G_1 = circshift(abs(fft(g_1)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Demodulation step -------------------------------------------------------
g_2 = g_1.*v_mod1;
G_2 = circshift(abs(fft(g_2)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Lowpass filter step -----------------------------------------------------
g_3 = sosfilt(sos_low, g_2);
G_3 = circshift(abs(fft(g_3)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Not used ----------------------------------------------------------------
g_4 = zeros(L_signal, 1);
G_4 = zeros(L_signal, 1);

% Processing chain for signal obfuscation 
% Modulate, highpass filter, modulate again, lowpass filter
% Insert "u = g_4;" in second turn to reconstruct initial signal

% Process FFT -------------------------------------------------------------
U = circshift(abs(fft(u)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Modulation step ---------------------------------------------------------
g_1 = u.*v_mod1;
G_1 = circshift(abs(fft(g_1)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Supress lower frequency band --------------------------------------------
%g_2 = sosfilt(sosHigh, g_1);
g_2 = filtfilt(b_high, 1, g_1);
G_2 = circshift(abs(fft(g_2)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Modulation step ---------------------------------------------------------
g_3 = g_2.*v_mod2;
G_3 = circshift(abs(fft(g_3)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Lowpass filter step -----------------------------------------------------
g_4 = filtfilt(sos_low, g_low, g_3); %filter(b_high, 1, g_3)
G_4 = circshift(abs(fft(g_4)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Processing chain for signal obfuscation reversal
% Modulate, highpass filter, modulate again, lowpass filter

% Modulation step ---------------------------------------------------------
g_5 = g_4.*v_mod1;
G_5 = circshift(abs(fft(g_5)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Supress lower frequency band --------------------------------------------
g_6 = filtfilt(b_high, 1, g_5);
G_6 = circshift(abs(fft(g_6)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Modulation step ---------------------------------------------------------
g_7 = g_6.*v_mod2;
G_7 = circshift(abs(fft(g_7)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Lowpass filter step -----------------------------------------------------
g_8 = filtfilt(sos_low, g_low, g_7); %filter(b_high, 1, g_3)
G_8 = circshift(abs(fft(g_8)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other

t_range = 1e-2; % Limited time axis scale is easier to view

set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size

subplot(5, 2, 1)
plot(t, u)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 2)
plot(f, U)
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 3)
plot(t, g_1)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 4)
plot(f, G_1)
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 5)
plot(t, g_2)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 6)
plot(f, G_2)
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 7)
plot(t, g_3)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 8)
plot(f, G_3)
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 9)
plot(t, g_4)
xlim([0, t_range])
xlabel('\(t\) / s')
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 10)
plot(f, G_4)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) / kHz')
grid on

% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other

t_range = 1e-2; % Limited time axis scale is easier to view

set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size

subplot(5, 2, 1)
plot(t, u)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 2)
plot(f, U)
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 3)
plot(t, g_5)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 4)
plot(f, G_5)
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 5)
plot(t, g_6)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 6)
plot(f, G_6)
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 7)
plot(t, g_7)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 8)
plot(f, G_7)
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 9)
plot(t, g_8)
xlim([0, t_range])
xlabel('\(t\) / s')
grid on

subplot(5, 2, 10)
plot(f, G_8)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) / kHz')
grid on

Angle modulation (click to expand)

% Angle modulation
% SuS II (WS21)

close all hidden

cmap = lines;

set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX'); 

% Basic parameters
f_s         = 500;          % Sampling frequency in Hz
f_mod    = 20;            % Modulation frequency in Hz
f_0         = 1;             % Frequency of initial signal in Hz
T_signal = 10;           % Signal length in s

% Calculate support variables
L_signal = T_signal * f_s;                     % Signal length in samples
w_0 = 2*pi*f_0;                                    
w_mod = 2*pi*f_mod;
f = linspace(-f_s/2, f_s/2, L_signal);    % Frequency scale
t = ((0 : L_signal - 1) / f_s)';                % Time scale

% Processing chain for different analog modulation schemes
% Initial time signal and spectrum -----------------------------
v = cos(2*pi*f_0*t);                          
V = circshift(abs(fft(v)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Amplitude modulated signal and spectrum --------------
v_am = v.*cos(w_mod*t);
V_am = circshift(abs(fft(v_am)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Frequency modulation -----------------------------------------
% Instantaneous frequency and phase
k = w_0;        % Use k to adapt frequency shift                                    
Omega_fm = w_mod + k*2*pi*v;
Phi_fm = w_mod*t + k*2*pi*cumsum(v)*1/f_s;

% Modulated signal and spectrum
v_fm = cos(Phi_fm);
V_fm = circshift(abs(fft(v_fm)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Phase modulation -----------------------------------------------
% Instantaneous frequency and phase
k = 1;
Omega_pm = w_mod + k*2*pi*diff([v; v(end)])*f_s;
Phi_pm = w_mod*t + k*2*pi*v;

% Modulated signal and spectrum
v_pm = cos(Phi_pm);
V_pm = circshift(abs(fft(v_pm)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other

tRange = [0, 2 * 1/f_0];   % Limited time axis scale is easier to view
fRange = 3 * [-f_mod, f_mod]; 

%set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size

% Initial signal -----------------------------
subplot(6, 2, 1)
plot(t, v)
ylabel('\(v(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Input - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on

subplot(6, 2, 2)
plot(f, V)
ylabel('\(|V_(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\)  [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Input - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on

% Amplitude modulation -----------------------------
subplot(6, 2, 3)
plot(t, v_am, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(v_\mathrm{am}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('DSB - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on

subplot(6, 2, 4)
plot(f, V_am, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(|V_\mathrm{am}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\)  [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('DSB - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on

% Frequency modulation -----------------------------
subplot(6, 2, 5)
plot(t, Omega_fm, 'Color', cmap(3, :))
ylabel('\(\Omega_\mathrm{T,fm}(t)\) / \(\mathrm{s^{-1}}\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Frequency modulation - Instan. frequency', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on

subplot(6, 2, 6)
plot(t, Phi_fm, 'Color', cmap(3, :))
ylabel('\(\Phi_\mathrm{T,fm}(t)\) / rad', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Frequency modulation - Instan. phase', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on

subplot(6, 2, 7)
plot(t, v_fm, 'Color', cmap(3, :))
ylabel('\(v_\mathrm{fm}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Frequency modulation - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on

subplot(6, 2, 8)
plot(f, V_fm, 'Color', cmap(3, :))
ylabel('\(|V_\mathrm{fm}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\)  [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Frequency modulation - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on

% Phase modulation -----------------------------
subplot(6, 2, 9)
plot(t, Omega_pm, 'Color', cmap(4, :))
ylabel('\(\Omega_\mathrm{T,pm}(t)\) / \(\mathrm{s^{-1}}\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Phase modulation - Instan. frequency', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on

subplot(6, 2, 10)
plot(t, Phi_pm, 'Color', cmap(4, :))
ylabel('\(\Phi_\mathrm{T,pm}(t)\)  / rad', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Phase modulation - Instan. phase', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on

subplot(6, 2, 11)
plot(t, v_pm, 'Color', cmap(4, :))
ylabel('\(v_\mathrm{pm}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Phase modulation - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on

subplot(6, 2, 12)
plot(f, V_pm, 'Color', cmap(4, :))
ylabel('\(|V_\mathrm{pm}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\)  [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Phase modulation - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on

Pulse amplitude modulation (click to expand)

% Pulse amplitude modulation
% SuS II (WS22)

close all hidden

cmap = lines;

set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX'); 

% Basic parameters
f_s         = 500;          % Sampling frequency in Hz
f_mod    = 20;            % Modulation frequency in Hz
f_0         = 1;             % Frequency of initial signal in Hz
T_signal = 10;           % Signal length in s
f_steep = 5;             % Transition band width in Hz

% Calculate support variables
L_signal = T_signal * f_s;                     % Signal length in samples
T_mod = 1 / f_mod;
f = (-L_signal/2 : L_signal/2 - 1) / L_signal * f_s; % Frequency scale
t = ((0 : L_signal - 1) / f_s)';                % Time scale

% Processing chain for pulse amplitude modulation
% Initial time signal and spectrum -----------------------------
v = sin(2*pi*f_0*t);                          
V = circshift(abs(fft(v)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Impulse train carrier ---------------------------------------------
v_mod = zeros(length(t), 1);
v_mod(~mod(t, T_mod)) = v_mod(~mod(t, T_mod)) + 1;
V_mod = circshift(abs(fft(v_mod)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

v_mod2 = cos(2*pi*f_mod*t);

% Amplitude modulated signal and spectrum --------------
v_pam = v.*v_mod;
V_pam = circshift(abs(fft(v_pam)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

v_am = v.*v_mod2;
V_am = circshift(abs(fft(v_am)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
V_am = V_am / max(V_am) * max(V_pam);        % Adjust magnitude

% Simple butterworth lowpass filter for demodulation ------
f_c = 10;      % Cutoff freq in Hz
n = 10;         % Filter order
[z,p,k] = butter(n, f_c/(f_s/2));
sosLow = zp2sos(z, p, k);

% FIR lowpass filter for (improved) demodulation ------------
f_lp = f_mod/2 + [-1 1] * f_steep;
a_lp = [1 0]; 
rp = 1;
rs = 120;

dev = [(10^(rp/20)-1)/(10^(rp/20)+1)  10^(-rs/20)]; 
[n_ord_lp,fo_lp,ao_lp,w] = firpmord(f_lp,a_lp,dev,f_s);
b_lp = firpm(n_ord_lp+1,fo_lp,ao_lp);

% Plot frequency response if desired
% freqz(b_lp, 1, 2^16, f_s);

% Lowpass filter step ----------------------------------------------------------------
% Choose Butterworth filter...
% v_pam_lp = sosfilt(sosLow, v_pam);
% [h, f_2] =  freqz(sosLow, 2^10 * 10, f_s);

% ...or FIR filter
v_pam_lp = filter(b_lp, 1, v_pam);
[h, f_2] =  freqz(b_lp, 1, 2^10 * 10, f_s);

% Compute filter frequency response
f_2 = [-flip(f_2); f_2];
h = abs(h);
h = [flip(h); h];
h = h * max(V_pam); % Adjust magnitude

V_pam_lp = circshift(abs(fft(v_pam_lp)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other

tRange = [0, 3 * 1/f_0];   % Limited time axis scale is easier to view
fRange = 3 * [-f_mod, f_mod]; 

% set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size

% Initial signal -----------------------------
subplot(4, 2, 1)
plot(t, v)
ylabel('\(v(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
title('Input - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)

subplot(4, 2, 2)
plot(f, V)
ylabel('\(|V_(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
title('Input - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)

% Impulse train carrier-----------------
subplot(4, 2, 3)
plot(t, v_mod, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(v_\mathrm{c}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
title('Impulse train - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)

subplot(4, 2, 4)
plot(f, V_mod, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|V_\mathrm{c}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
title('Impulse train - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)

% PAM modulated signal-----------------
subplot(4, 2, 5)
plot(t, v_pam, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(v_\mathrm{pam}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
hold on
title('Modulation - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)

subplot(4, 2, 6)
plot(f, V_pam, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|V_\mathrm{pam}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
hold on
title('Modulation - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)

% Amplitude modulated signal-----------------
subplot(4, 2, 5)
plot(t, v_am, 'LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 0.2)
legend('PAM', 'AM')

subplot(4, 2, 6)
plot(f, V_am, 'LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 0.2)

% Lowpass filter frequency response
subplot(4, 2, 6)
plot(f_2, h, 'Color', cmap(3, :), 'LineStyle', '--', 'LineWidth', 2)
legend('PAM', 'AM', 'Lowpass')

% Lowpass demodulation -----------------------------
subplot(4, 2, 7)
plot(t, v_pam_lp, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(v_\mathrm{lp}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
title('Demodulation - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)

subplot(4, 2, 8)
plot(f, V_pam_lp, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|V_\mathrm{lp}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
title('Demodulation - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)

Distributions (click to expand)

% Random distributions
% SuS II (WS21)
close all hidden

cmap = lines;

set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX'); 

% Basic parameters
L = 1e4;          % Number of random experiments
sigma = 1;       % Standard deviation
mu = 1;           % Mean value

% Processing chain for random processes
% Initial time signal and spectrum -----------------------------
v_equal = rand(L, 1);
v_gauss = randn(L, 1); % * sigma + mu;

% Sort random values to obtain distribution function
dist_equal = sort(v_equal);
dist_gauss = sort(v_gauss);

% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other

%set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size

% Initial signal -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 1)
plot(v_equal, '.', 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(v_{\mathrm{uni}, k}\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(k\)', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Uniform distribution - Random experiment')
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 2)
plot(v_gauss, '.', 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(v_{\mathrm{gauss},k}\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(k\)', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian distribution - Random experiment')
grid on

% Histogram -----------------
subplot(3, 2, 3)
histogram(v_equal, 100);
ylabel('\(m\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(v_{\mathrm{uni}, k}\)', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Uniform distribution - Histogram')
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 4)
h = histogram(v_gauss, 100);
h.FaceColor = cmap(2, :);
ylabel('\(m\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(v_{\mathrm{gauss},k}\)', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian distribution - Histogram')
grid on

% Distribution -----------------
subplot(3, 2, 5)
plot(dist_equal, (1 : L) / L, 'Color', cmap(1, :), 'LineWidth', 2)
ylabel('\(\hat{F}({v_{\mathrm{uni}, k}})\)', 'FontSize', 20);
xlabel('\(v_{\mathrm{uni}, k}\)', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Uniform distribution - Estimated')
grid on
hold on

subplot(3, 2, 6)
plot(dist_gauss(1 : end), (1 : L) / L, 'Color', cmap(2, :), 'LineWidth', 2)
ylabel('\(\hat{F}({v_{\mathrm{gauss}, k}})\)', 'FontSize', 20);
xlabel('\(v_{\mathrm{gauss},k}\)', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian distribution - Estimated')
grid on
hold on

Correlations I (click to expand)

% CCF and system analysis demo
% SuS II (WS21)
close all hidden

cmap = lines;

set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX'); 

% Basic parameters
f_s         = 500;          % Sampling frequency in Hz
f_mod    = 20;            % Modulation frequency in Hz
f_0         = 1;             % Frequency of initial signal in Hz
f_1         = 250;         % Max frequency of chirp in Hz
T_signal = 100;           % Signal length in s
sigma     = 2;              % Standard deviation of gaussian noise

% Calculate support variables
L_signal = T_signal * f_s;                     % Signal length in samples
T_mod = 1 / f_mod;
f = linspace(-f_s/2, f_s/2, L_signal);       % Frequency scale
t = ((0 : L_signal - 1) / f_s)';                   % Time scale
tau = (-L_signal + 1 : L_signal - 1) / f_s; % Lag scale
weights = [0.5, 0.1, 0.02];                     % Weights for test signal
shifts = [1, 3, 5];                                   % Shifts for test signal

% Processing chain for auto correlation
% Noise signal and correlationn -----------------------------
v = randn(L_signal, 1) * sigma;   % Generate noise                         
s_v = xcorr(v, v, 'biased');           % Calculate acf

power_est = max(s_v);               % Estimate power as max of acf

V = circshift(abs(fft(v)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Butterworth lowpass filter for demodulation -----------------------------
f_c = 10;       % Cutoff freq in Hz
n = 20;          % Filter order

[z, p, k] = butter(n, f_c/(f_s/2)); % Create Butterworth filter
sos = zp2sos(z, p, k);               % Convert to second order subsystem

y = sosfilt(sos, v) + randn(L_signal, 1) * 0.1;                     % Filter noise signal
Y = circshift(abs(fft(y)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% freqz(sos, 2^16, f_s);            % Plot filter
[h, t_h] = impz(sos, 2^16, f_s);  % Get Impulse response

s_vy = xcorr(y, v, 'biased')./ power_est;   % Get crosscorrelation of v and y

% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other

%set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size

fRange = [-f_s/2, f_s/2];
tRange = [0, T_signal];

% Initial signals -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 1)
plot(t, v, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(v(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - Time signal')
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 2)
plot(f, V, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|V(j\omega)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - Spectrum')
grid on

% Filtered signals -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 3)
plot(t, y, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(y(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Filtered Gaussian noise - Time signal')
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 4)
plot(f, Y, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(|Y(j\omega)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Filtered Gaussian noise - Spectrum')
grid on

% ACF -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 5)
plot(tau, s_v, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
hold on
ylabel('\(s_{v \, v}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - ACF')
grid on
ylim([-1 max(s_v) * 1.2])

subplot(3, 2, 5)
stem(0, power_est, 'Color', cmap(2, :), 'LineStyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 2)
legend('ACF', 'Estimated power')
% Impulse response -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 6)
plot(t_h, h, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
hold on
ylabel('\(h_{0}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Impulse response')
xlim([0 2])
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 6)
plot(tau, s_vy, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
legend('Ground truth', 'Estimated')

Correlations II (click to expand)

% ACF and CCF demo
% SuS II (WS21)
close all hidden

cmap = lines;

set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX'); 

% Basic parameters
f_s         = 500;          % Sampling frequency in Hz
f_mod    = 20;            % Modulation frequency in Hz
f_0         = 1;              % Frequency of initial signal in Hz
f_1         = 250;          % Max frequency of chirp in Hz
T_signal = 10;            % Signal length in s
T_m = 3;                    % Correlation length for test signal in s
sigma = 1;                  % Standard dev. of additive noise
scale_figures = false; % Scale window for uwqhd display

% Calculate support variables
L_signal = T_signal * f_s;                     % Signal length in samples
T_mod = 1 / f_mod;
f = linspace(-f_s/2, f_s/2, L_signal);       % Frequency scale
t = ((0 : L_signal - 1) / f_s)';                   % Time scale
tau = (-L_signal + 1 : L_signal - 1) / f_s; % Lag scale
weights = [0.5, 0, 0];                     % Weights for test signal
shifts = [1, 3, 5];                                   % Shifts for test signal

% Processing chain for auto correlation
% Cos time signal and correlation -----------------------------
v = cos(2*pi*f_0*t);                          
s_v = xcorr(v, v, 'coeff');
V = circshift(abs(fft(v)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
S_v = circshift(abs(fft(s_v(L_signal : end))) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

% Test signal for cross correlation -----------------------------
% Use one second of v (v_s) and fill up with zeros
% Create test signal a as weighted sum of shifted signal v_s
% Add additional noise
v_s = v;
v_s(T_m*f_s + 1 : end) = zeros(L_signal - T_m*f_s, 1);

a = weights(1) * circshift(v_s, shifts(1) * f_s) + weights(2) * circshift(v_s, shifts(2) * f_s) + weights(3) * circshift(v_s, shifts(3) * f_s) + randn(L_signal, 1) * sigma; 
s_a = xcorr(a, v_s);

% Noise signal and correlationn -----------------------------
u = randn(L_signal, 1);                          
s_u = xcorr(u, u, 'coeff');
U = circshift(abs(fft(u)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
S_u = circshift(abs(fft(s_u(L_signal : end))) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

u_s = u;
u_s(T_m*f_s + 1 : end) = zeros(L_signal -  T_m*f_s, 1);

b = weights(1) * circshift(u_s, shifts(1) * f_s) + weights(2) * circshift(u_s, shifts(2) * f_s) + weights(3) * circshift(u_s, shifts(3) * f_s) + randn(L_signal, 1) * sigma; 
s_b = xcorr(b, u_s);

% Chirp signal and correlation -----------------------------
w = chirp(t, f_0, 10, f_1);                     
s_w = xcorr(w, w, 'coeff');
W = circshift(abs(fft(w)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
S_w = circshift(abs(fft(s_w(L_signal : end))) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));

w_s = w;
w_s(T_m * f_s + 1 : end) = zeros(L_signal - T_m*f_s, 1);

c = weights(1) * circshift(w_s, shifts(1) * f_s) + weights(2) * circshift(w_s, shifts(2) * f_s) + weights(3) * circshift(w_s, shifts(3) * f_s) + randn(L_signal, 1) * sigma; 
s_c = xcorr(c, w_s');

% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other

if scale_figures
    set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size

% Cos signal -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 1)
plot(t, v, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(v(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Sinusoid - Time signal')
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 2)
plot(tau, s_v, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(s_{v \, v}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Sinusoid - ACF')
grid on

% Gaussian noise -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 3)
plot(t, u, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(u(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - Time signal')
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 4)
plot(tau, s_u, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(s_{u \, u}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - ACF')
grid on

% Chirp signal -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 5)
plot(t, w, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(w(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Linear chirp - Time signal')
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 6)
plot(tau, s_w, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(s_{w \, w}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Linear chirp - ACF')
grid on

fRange = [-f_s/2, f_s/2];

if scale_figures
    set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size

% Cos spectrum -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 1)
plot(f, V, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|V(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Sinusoid - Spectrum')
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 2)
plot(f, S_v, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(|S_{v \, v}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Sinusoid - PSD')
grid on

% Noise spectrum -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 3)
plot(f, U, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|U(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - Spectrum')
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 4)
plot(f, S_u, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(|S_{u \, u}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - PSD')
grid on

% Chirp spectrum -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 5)
plot(f, W, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|W(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Linear chirp - Spectrum')
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 6)
plot(f, S_w, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(|S_{w \, w}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Linear chirp - PSD')
grid on

if scale_figures
    set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size

% Cos signal -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 1)
plot(t, a, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(a(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Sinusoid - Test signal')
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 2)
plot(tau, s_a, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(s_{v \, a}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Sinusoid - CCF')
grid on

% Gaussian noise signal -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 3)
plot(t, b, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(b(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - Time signal')
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 4)
plot(tau, s_b, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(s_{u \, b}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - CCF')
grid on

% Chirp signal -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 5)
plot(t, c, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(c(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Linear chirp - Test signal')
grid on

subplot(3, 2, 6)
plot(tau, s_c, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(s_{w \, c}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Linear chirp - CCF')
grid on

% Energy considerations -----------------------------
e_v = sum(v.^2 * 1/f_s)
disp("Gaussian noise")
e_u = sum(u.^2 * 1/f_s)
disp("Linear chirp")
e_w = sum(w.^2 * 1/f_s)

State space (click to expand)

% State space
% SuS II (WS21)

close all hidden

set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX'); 

% Basic paramters
f_s      = 10;        % Sampling frequency in Hz
T_signal = 3;           % Signal length in s

% Calculate support variables
L_signal = T_signal * f_s;                  % Signal length in samples
t = (0 : L_signal - 1) / f_s;                  % Time scale
T_s = 1 / f_s;                                     % Sample period
df = (f_s / 2) / (L_signal / 2);              % Frequency resolution
f = linspace(- (L_signal / 2 - 1)*df, (L_signal / 2)*df, L_signal);

% System specifications
L = 1;          % Input num
N = 2;         % State num
R = 1;         % Output num

% System, input, output und feedthrough matrix

A = [1, 0; 0, 0];
B = [1; 0];
C = [1, 0];
D = 0;

% A = [1, T_s; 0, 1];
% B = [0; T_s/1];
% C = [1, 0];
% D = 0;

% Generate input time signal
% Input signal
v = ones(L, L_signal); 
%v(1) = 1;
%v(6) = 1;

%v = sin(2*pi*t) + 1;
%v(:, f_s) = ones(L, 1);
% v = ones(L, L_signal);

x = zeros(N, L_signal);
y = zeros(R, L_signal);

% System processing

for n = 1 : L_signal
    if n < L_signal
        x(:, n + 1) = A*x(:, n) + B*v(:, n);        % State vector update
    y(:, n) = C*x(:, n) + D*v(:,n);                  % Output vector update

% FFT processing
V = circshift(abs(fft(v)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2) - 1);

X = zeros(N, L_signal);
for i = 1 : N
    X(1, :) = circshift(abs(fft(x(1, :))) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2) - 1);

Y = circshift(abs(fft(y)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2) - 1);

% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other

% set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size

subplot(3, 2, 1)
hold on
for i = 1 : L
    stem(t, v(i, :))
grid on
xlabel('\(n \,T_s\)  [s]')
title('Input vector - Time signal')

subplot(3, 2, 2)
hold on
for i = 1 : L
    stem(f, V(i, :))
xlabel('\(\frac{f_s}{M}\mu \) [Hz]')
grid on
title('Input vector - Spectrum')

subplot(3, 2, 3)
hold on
for i = 1 : N
    stem(t, x(i, :))
xlabel('\(n \,T_s\) [s]')
grid on
title('State vector - Time signal')

subplot(3, 2, 4)
hold on
for i = 1 : N
    stem(f, X(i, :))
xlabel('\(\frac{f_s}{M}\mu \) [Hz]')
grid on
title('State vector - Spectrum')

subplot(3, 2, 5)
hold on
for i = 1 : R
    stem(t, y(i, :))
xlabel('\(n \,T_s\) [s]')
grid on
title('Output vector - Time signal')

subplot(3, 2, 6)
hold on
for i = 1 : R
    stem(f, Y(i, :))
xlabel('\(\frac{f_s}{M}\mu \) [Hz]')
grid on
title('Output vector - Spectrum')


Additional Matlab Examples

Central limit theorem (click to expand)

% Parameter fuer die Generierung von gleichverteilten Zufallsvariablen
m_v   =      0.0;        % Mittelwert
var_v =      1.0;        % Varianz
N     = 400000;          % Anzahl der Variablen pro Experiment
M     =      4;          % Anzahl der summierten Zufallsvariablen

% Erzeugen der Zufallszahlen
V = ((rand(M,N) - 0.5) / sqrt(12) * sqrt(var_v)) + m_v;

% Nicht-normierte Histogramm-Analyse der ersten Zufallsvariablen
fig = figure(1);
set(fig,'Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);

[h,x] = hist(V(1,:),20);
xlabel('Variable v_1');
grid on


% Histogramm-Analyse der einzelnen Zufallsvariablen
A_min    =   -0.6;
A_max    =    0.6;
IntWidth =    (A_max - A_min) / 50;

IntVec   = A_min:IntWidth:A_max;
HistRes  = zeros(M,length(IntVec));

for k = 1:M
    HistRes(k,:) = hist(V(k,:),IntVec) / (N * IntWidth);

% Darstellung der einzelnen Histogrammanalysen
fig = figure(2);
set(fig,'Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);

for k = 1:min(4,M)
   grid on;
   xlabel(['Variable v_',num2str(k)']);
   axis([A_min A_max -0.05*max(HistRes(k,:)) 1.05*max(HistRes(k,:))]);
   ylabel('Relative Haeufigkeit');   


% Summation der Zufallsvariablen
v = zeros(1,N);
for k = 1:M
    v = v + V(k,:);

% Histogrammanalyse der Summation
histRes = hist(v,IntVec) / (N * IntWidth);

% Darstellung der Histogrammanalyse der Summe
fig = figure(3);
set(fig,'Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);

grid on;
xlabel('Variable y');
axis([A_min A_max -0.05*max(histRes) 1.05*max(histRes)]);
ylabel('Relative Haeufigkeit');   

% Darstellung einer Gauss-Dichte
f_g = 1/(std(v)*sqrt(2*pi)) * exp( -0.5 * ((IntVec-mean(v))/std(v)).^2);
hold on
hold off

Matlabdemo for exercise ''Amplitudenmodulation'' (click to expand)

%% Example for single-sideband modulation and "double"-sideband modulation
% -> general concept
% -> advantage of singe-sibeband modulation (reduced error caused by frequency shift)
% Jens Reermann
%% Reset
clear all;
close all;
%% Parameter

phi_error = 0; %pi*0.48;

%% Load signal
    [u, fs_sig] = audioread( 'signals/interview_heino.wav' );
    u = sin(2*pi*fsig/fs_sig.*n)'+randn(Nsig,1);

%% LP 3kHz | 4kHz
f = [ f_l f_h];
a = [1 0];
rp = 1;           
rs = 120;     
dev = [ (10^(rp/20)-1)/(10^(rp/20)+1) 10^(-rs/20)]; 
[n_ord,fo,ao,w] = firpmord(f,a,dev,f_s);
b = firpm(n_ord+1,fo,ao);
u_f = filter(b,1,u);

%% Carrier signals


%% Modulation


f_bp = [ fc fc+1000 fc+f_l fc+f_h];
a_bp = [0 1  0]; 
dev_bp = [10^(-rs/20) (10^(rp/20)-1)/(10^(rp/20)+1) 10^(-rs/20)]; 
[n_ord_bp,fo_bp,ao_bp,w] = firpmord(f_bp,a_bp,dev_bp,f_s);
b_bp = firpm(n_ord_bp+1,fo_bp,ao_bp);

m_bp = filtfilt(b_bp,1,m);    %SSB

%% Demodulation

% *cos
% LP
u_df = filter(b,1,u_d);
u_df_bp = filter(b,1,u_d_bp);
u_def = filter(b,1,u_de);
u_def_bp = filter(b,1,u_de_bp);

%% Play signalss

%% PSD estimation
[Puu, F] = pwelch(u,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pufuf, F] = pwelch(u_f,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pmm, F] = pwelch(m,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pmm_bp, F] = pwelch(m_bp,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pudfudf, F] = pwelch(u_df,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pudefudef, F] = pwelch(u_def,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pudfudf_bp, F] = pwelch(u_df_bp,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pudefudef_bp, F] = pwelch(u_def_bp,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);

%% Plotting (Modulation)
[val1 ind1] =max(10*log10(Puu));
[val2 ind2] =max(10*log10(Pmm));
[val3 ind3] =max(10*log10(Pmm_bp));

    y_lims=[-160 -50];
    y_lims=[-100 10];


plot(F, 10*log10(Puu));
text(F(ind1),val1,[num2str(val1) 'dB']);
xlabel('f / Hz');ylabel('LDS / dB');xlim([0 f_s/2]);ylim(y_lims);
hold on;
plot(F, 10*log10(Pufuf),'r');
xlabel('f / Hz');ylabel('LDS / dB');xlim([0 f_s/2]);ylim(y_lims);
plot(F, 10*log10(Pmm),'g');
text(F(ind2),val2,[num2str(val2) 'dB']);
xlabel('f / Hz');ylabel('LDS / dB');xlim([0 f_s/2]);ylim(y_lims);
plot(F, 10*log10(Pmm_bp),'k');
text(F(ind3),val3,[num2str(val3) 'dB']);
xlabel('f / Hz');ylabel('LDS / dB');xlim([0 f_s/2]);ylim(y_lims);
hold off;

%% Plotting (Demodulation)

[val3 ind3] =max(10*log10(Pufuf));
[val4 ind4] =max(10*log10(Pudfudf));
[val5 ind5] =max(10*log10(Pudefudef));
[val6 ind6] =max(10*log10(Pudefudef_bp));

xlim([0 f_h+1000]);
ylabel('LDS / dB');
xlabel('f / Hz');
    ylim=[-160 -50];
    ylim=[-100 10];

hold on;
plot(F, 10*log10(Pufuf));
text(F(ind3),val3,[num2str(val3) 'dB']);
plot(F, 10*log10(Pudfudf),'g');
text(F(ind4),val4,[num2str(val4) 'dB']);
plot(F, 10*log10(Pudefudef),'r');
text(F(ind5),val5,[num2str(val5) 'dB']);
plot(F, 10*log10(Pudefudef_bp),'k');
text(F(ind6),val6,[num2str(val6) 'dB']);

hold off;

disp( [ num2str(20*log10(cos(phi_error))) ] );

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  Matlab examples from the exercises



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