Lecture "Signals and Systems II"
Basic Information | |
Lecturers: | Gerhard Schmidt (lecture), Konstantinos Karatziotis and Ralf Burgardt (exercise) |
Room: | ES21/Geb.D - EG.004 (HS II) - Heinrich-Hertz-Hörsaal |
E-mail: | |
Language: | German |
Target group: | Students in electrical engineering and computer engineering |
Prerequisites: | Signals and Systems, Part 1 |
Contents: |
This course teaches basics in systems theory for electrical engineering and information technology. This basic course is focused on stochastic signals and linear systems. Topic overview:
References: | E. Hänsler: Statistische Signale, 3.Auflage, Springer, 2001 H. D. Lüke: Signalübertragung, Springer, 1995 H. W. Schüßler: Netzwerke, Signale und Systeme II: Theorie kontinuierlicher und diskreter Signale und Systeme, Springer, 1991 |
On 13 January, instead of a lecture and an exercise, a demo session will take place at the chair.
Scroll down to find a list of the topics with a detailed schedule for the exercises in WS24/25.
Lecture Slides
Lecture Videos
Video | Content |
Modulation - part 1 of 2 |
Modulation - part 2 of 2 |
State-space description - part 1 of 2 |
State-space description - part 2 of 2 |
Random processes - part 1 of 2 |
Random processes - part 2 of 2 |
Reaction of linear systems to random processes - part 1 of 1 |
Ideal systemes - part 1 of 2 |
Ideal systemes - part 2 of 2 |
Add-ons (transforms) - part 1 of 2 |
Add-ons (transforms) - part 2 of 2 |
Lecture Script
A script for the lecture is available here. It is currently under construction, but a first version is already available via the link mentioned before. If you find some error, please let me (Gerhard Schmidt) know.
Date | Event |
No exercise | |
28.10.2024 | Intro, Theory, Amplitude Modulation |
04.11.2024 | Question time: Please prepare exercises 1 and 2! |
11.11.2024 | Theory: Angle modulation |
18.11.2024 | Question time: Please prepare exercises 3 and 4! |
25.11.2024 | Theory: Pulse amplitude modulation |
02.12.2024 | Question time: Please prepare exercise 5! |
09.12.2024 | Theory: State-space description |
16.12.2024 | Question time: Please prepare exercise 6! + Theory: Distributions and correlation. |
No exercise (Winter break) | |
No exercise (Winter break) | |
06.01.2025 | Question time: Please prepare exercises 9 and 10! |
13.01.2025 | DEMO session at the chair |
20.01.2025 | Theory: Correlation and systems |
27.01.2025 | Question time: Please prepare exercises 11, 12 and 16! |
26.03.2024 09:00 - 11:00 |
Exam preparation ES21/Geb.D - EG.004 (HSII) - Heinricht-Hertz-Hörsaal |
Link | Content |
![]() |
All exercises. |
Solutions for the Exercises
Link | Content |
![]() |
Solutions to all exercises. |
Exercise Videos
Video | Content | Please watch until |
Exercise 1 |
30.10.2023 |
Exercise 2 |
30.10.2023 |
Exercise 3 |
13.11.2023 |
Exercise 4 |
13.11.2023 |
Exercise 5 |
27.11.2023 |
Exercise 6 |
18.12.2024 |
Exercise 7 |
Optional exercise |
Exercise 8 |
Optional exercise |
Exercise 9 |
15.01.2024 |
Exercise 10 |
15.01.2024 |
Exercise 11 |
29.01.2024 |
Exercise 12 |
29.01.2024 |
Exercise 13 |
Optional exercise |
Exercise 14 |
Optional exercise |
Exercise 15 |
Optional exercise |
Exercise 16 |
29.01.2024 |
Exam preparation |
Matlab Theory Examples
Students can use MATLAB for free on their own devices using the new campus-wide license. Alternatively, students can use Windows Remote Server to run Matlab scripts from home.
Matlab introduction (click to expand)
% Matlab introduction
% SuS II (WS21)
close all % Close all plots
clear % Clear workspace
clc % Clear console
% Set all fonts to latex style
set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
% Save color map in variable
cmap = lines;
% Get info from matlab docu e.g for command 'close' -------------
% help close % Short overview
% doc close % Detailed documentation
% Matrix and element wise arithmetic operations ---------------------
% Use ; to suppress output of statement
% a = [1, 2, 3, 4]; % Row vector
% a = [1 2 3 4]; % Same row vector
% b = [2; 3; 4; 5]; % Column vector
% a = a'; % Transpose vector
% c = b * a; % Matrix multiplication
% c = a.* a; % Element wise multiplication
% size(c) % Get matrix dimensions
% length(c) % Get max of matrix dim.
% Basic parameters
f_s = 100; % Sample rate [Hz]
T = 10; % Signal duration [s]
f_0 = 0.5; % Test signal frequency [Hz]
% Auxiliary parameters
L = f_s * T + 1; % Signal length
% Generate equidistant time scale from 0 to 10 s
t = (0 : L - 1) / f_s;
% Generate signals
% Generate sine test signal with frequency f_0
v = sin(2*pi*f_0*t);
% Generate uniformly distributed noise signal
v_u = rand(1, L);
% Generate gaussian noise signal
v_g = randn(1, L);
% Create plots
% Minimal plot of test signal ----------------------------------------------
figure % Open new figure
plot(t, v_g) % Actual plotting operation
% Plot with some beautification--------------------------------------------
plot(t, v, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', 'red')
title('Test signal with some beautification')
xlabel('Time / s') % X axis label
ylabel('Magnitude') % Y axis label
legend('Test signal') % Add legend
grid on % Add legend
xlim([0 1/f_0]) % Limit x-axis to one period
% Discrete stem plot ------------------------------------------------------
stem(t, v)
title('Test signal with stem plot')
xlabel('Time / s') % X axis label
ylabel('Magnitude') % Y axis label
legend('Test signal') % Add legend
grid on % Add legend
xlim([0 0.5]) % Limit x-axis
% Multiple plots with hold on ----------------------------------------------
plot(t, v)
title('Multiple plots with hold on')
hold on % Keep previous plot
plot(t, -v)
xlabel('Time / s')
legend('Test signal', 'Inv. test signal')
grid on
xlim([0 1/f_0])
% Multiple plots with subplot ----------------------------------------------
% 2 vertical,1 horizontal plot
subplot(2, 1, 1) % First subplot
plot(t, v)
title('Multiple plots with subplot')
legend('Test signal')
grid on
xlim([0 1/f_0])
subplot(2, 1, 2) % Second subplot
plot(t, -v)
xlabel('Time / s')
legend('Inv. test signal')
grid on
xlim([0 1/f_0])
% 3D Plots (will be discussed next week)
% Plot v, v_2 and v_3 as 3D trajectory ----------------------------------
% Generate sine signal as first component
v_x = sin(2*pi*f_0*t).*t;
% Generate cosine signal as second component
v_y = cos(2*pi*f_0*t).*t;
% Generate linear function as third component
v_z = t;
plot3(v_x, v_y, v_z) % 3D plot
title('3D plot as trajectory')
xlabel('X / m')
ylabel('Y / m')
zlabel('Z / m')
axis image % Proportional axis
grid on
% Plot noise as surface plot ----------------------------------------------
% Generate gaussian noise as 2D matrix
L_2 = 50; % Use less samples
v_2d = randn(L_2, L_2); % Generate noise
x = 1 : L_2; % X axis
y = 1 : L_2; % Y axis
% Surface plot
subplot(2, 1, 1)
surf(x, y, v_2d, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'interp')
title('Surface plot 3D')
c = colorbar; % Use colorbar
ylabel(c, 'Magnitude')
colormap jet
xlabel('X / m')
ylabel('Y / m')
zlabel('Z / m')
subplot(2, 1, 2)
surf(x, y, v_2d, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'interp')
title('Surface plot topview')
c = colorbar;
ylabel(c, 'Magnitude')
xlabel('X / m')
ylabel('Y / m')
zlabel('Z / m')
view(0, 90) % Rotate view to XY
axis tight
Amplitude modulation (click to expand)
% Amplitude modulation and signal obfuscation
% SuS II (WS21)
close all hidden
set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
% Basic parameters
f_s = 120e3; % Sampling frequency in Hz
f_low = 2e3; % Lowest signal frequency in Hz
f_high = 4e3; % Highest signal frequency in Hz
f_mod1 = 20e3; % Modulation frequency in Hz
f_mod2 = 25e3; % Modulation frequency 2 in Hz
T_signal = 10; % Signal length in s
% Calculate support variables
bw = f_high - f_low; % Bandwidth in Hz
L_signal = T_signal * f_s; % Signal length in samples
t = (0 : L_signal - 1) / f_s; % Time scale
f = linspace(-f_s/2, f_s/2, L_signal)./1e3; % Frequency scale
v_mod1 = sin(2*pi*f_mod1*t)'; % Modulation signal
v_mod2 = sin(2*pi*f_mod2*t)'; % Modulation signal 2
% Design filters
% Design FIR highpass filter (complicated...)
f_hp = f_mod1 + [-1e3, 1e3];
a_hp = [0 1];
rp = 1;
rs = 120;
dev = [(10^(rp/20)-1)/(10^(rp/20)+1) 10^(-rs/20)];
[n_ord_bp,fo_bp,ao_bp,w] = firpmord(f_hp,a_hp,dev,f_s);
b_high = firpm(n_ord_bp+1,fo_bp,ao_bp);
% Design Butterworth lowpass filter for demodulation -----------------------------
f_c = 30e3; % Cutoff freq in Hz
n = 30; % Cutoff freq in Hz
[z,p,k] = butter(n, f_c/(f_s/2));
[sos_low, g_low] = zp2sos(z, p, k);
% Generate initial time signal
% Use sum of multiple sine functions in specified frequency range
u = 1* sin(2*pi*f_low*t)';
u = u + 0.5 *sin(2*pi*f_high*t)';
% Processing chain for amplitude modulation
% Modulate, demodulate and filter inital signal
% Use either this or the other processing chains
% Process FFT of initial time signal --------------------------------------
% Process FFT: fft(..)
% Absolute spectrum: abs(..)
% Weight correctly: ../ L
% Shift to get correct x axis: circshift(.., - ceil(L / 2)
% See MATLAB docu for more info on FFT processing
U = circshift(abs(fft(u)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Modulation step ---------------------------------------------------------
g_1 = u.*v_mod1;
G_1 = circshift(abs(fft(g_1)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Demodulation step -------------------------------------------------------
g_2 = g_1.*v_mod1;
G_2 = circshift(abs(fft(g_2)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Lowpass filter step -----------------------------------------------------
g_3 = sosfilt(sos_low, g_2);
G_3 = circshift(abs(fft(g_3)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Not used ----------------------------------------------------------------
g_4 = zeros(L_signal, 1);
G_4 = zeros(L_signal, 1);
% Processing chain for signal obfuscation
% Modulate, highpass filter, modulate again, lowpass filter
% Insert "u = g_4;" in second turn to reconstruct initial signal
% Process FFT -------------------------------------------------------------
U = circshift(abs(fft(u)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Modulation step ---------------------------------------------------------
g_1 = u.*v_mod1;
G_1 = circshift(abs(fft(g_1)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Supress lower frequency band --------------------------------------------
%g_2 = sosfilt(sosHigh, g_1);
g_2 = filtfilt(b_high, 1, g_1);
G_2 = circshift(abs(fft(g_2)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Modulation step ---------------------------------------------------------
g_3 = g_2.*v_mod2;
G_3 = circshift(abs(fft(g_3)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Lowpass filter step -----------------------------------------------------
g_4 = filtfilt(sos_low, g_low, g_3); %filter(b_high, 1, g_3)
G_4 = circshift(abs(fft(g_4)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Processing chain for signal obfuscation reversal
% Modulate, highpass filter, modulate again, lowpass filter
% Modulation step ---------------------------------------------------------
g_5 = g_4.*v_mod1;
G_5 = circshift(abs(fft(g_5)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Supress lower frequency band --------------------------------------------
g_6 = filtfilt(b_high, 1, g_5);
G_6 = circshift(abs(fft(g_6)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Modulation step ---------------------------------------------------------
g_7 = g_6.*v_mod2;
G_7 = circshift(abs(fft(g_7)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Lowpass filter step -----------------------------------------------------
g_8 = filtfilt(sos_low, g_low, g_7); %filter(b_high, 1, g_3)
G_8 = circshift(abs(fft(g_8)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other
t_range = 1e-2; % Limited time axis scale is easier to view
set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size
subplot(5, 2, 1)
plot(t, u)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 2)
plot(f, U)
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 3)
plot(t, g_1)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 4)
plot(f, G_1)
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 5)
plot(t, g_2)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 6)
plot(f, G_2)
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 7)
plot(t, g_3)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 8)
plot(f, G_3)
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 9)
plot(t, g_4)
xlim([0, t_range])
xlabel('\(t\) / s')
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 10)
plot(f, G_4)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) / kHz')
grid on
% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other
t_range = 1e-2; % Limited time axis scale is easier to view
set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size
subplot(5, 2, 1)
plot(t, u)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 2)
plot(f, U)
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 3)
plot(t, g_5)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 4)
plot(f, G_5)
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 5)
plot(t, g_6)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 6)
plot(f, G_6)
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 7)
plot(t, g_7)
xlim([0, t_range])
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 8)
plot(f, G_7)
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 9)
plot(t, g_8)
xlim([0, t_range])
xlabel('\(t\) / s')
grid on
subplot(5, 2, 10)
plot(f, G_8)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) / kHz')
grid on
Angle modulation (click to expand)
% Angle modulation
% SuS II (WS21)
close all hidden
cmap = lines;
set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
% Basic parameters
f_s = 500; % Sampling frequency in Hz
f_mod = 20; % Modulation frequency in Hz
f_0 = 1; % Frequency of initial signal in Hz
T_signal = 10; % Signal length in s
% Calculate support variables
L_signal = T_signal * f_s; % Signal length in samples
w_0 = 2*pi*f_0;
w_mod = 2*pi*f_mod;
f = linspace(-f_s/2, f_s/2, L_signal); % Frequency scale
t = ((0 : L_signal - 1) / f_s)'; % Time scale
% Processing chain for different analog modulation schemes
% Initial time signal and spectrum -----------------------------
v = cos(2*pi*f_0*t);
V = circshift(abs(fft(v)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Amplitude modulated signal and spectrum --------------
v_am = v.*cos(w_mod*t);
V_am = circshift(abs(fft(v_am)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Frequency modulation -----------------------------------------
% Instantaneous frequency and phase
k = w_0; % Use k to adapt frequency shift
Omega_fm = w_mod + k*2*pi*v;
Phi_fm = w_mod*t + k*2*pi*cumsum(v)*1/f_s;
% Modulated signal and spectrum
v_fm = cos(Phi_fm);
V_fm = circshift(abs(fft(v_fm)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Phase modulation -----------------------------------------------
% Instantaneous frequency and phase
k = 1;
Omega_pm = w_mod + k*2*pi*diff([v; v(end)])*f_s;
Phi_pm = w_mod*t + k*2*pi*v;
% Modulated signal and spectrum
v_pm = cos(Phi_pm);
V_pm = circshift(abs(fft(v_pm)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other
tRange = [0, 2 * 1/f_0]; % Limited time axis scale is easier to view
fRange = 3 * [-f_mod, f_mod];
%set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size
% Initial signal -----------------------------
subplot(6, 2, 1)
plot(t, v)
ylabel('\(v(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Input - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on
subplot(6, 2, 2)
plot(f, V)
ylabel('\(|V_(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Input - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on
% Amplitude modulation -----------------------------
subplot(6, 2, 3)
plot(t, v_am, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(v_\mathrm{am}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('DSB - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on
subplot(6, 2, 4)
plot(f, V_am, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(|V_\mathrm{am}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('DSB - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on
% Frequency modulation -----------------------------
subplot(6, 2, 5)
plot(t, Omega_fm, 'Color', cmap(3, :))
ylabel('\(\Omega_\mathrm{T,fm}(t)\) / \(\mathrm{s^{-1}}\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Frequency modulation - Instan. frequency', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on
subplot(6, 2, 6)
plot(t, Phi_fm, 'Color', cmap(3, :))
ylabel('\(\Phi_\mathrm{T,fm}(t)\) / rad', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Frequency modulation - Instan. phase', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on
subplot(6, 2, 7)
plot(t, v_fm, 'Color', cmap(3, :))
ylabel('\(v_\mathrm{fm}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Frequency modulation - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on
subplot(6, 2, 8)
plot(f, V_fm, 'Color', cmap(3, :))
ylabel('\(|V_\mathrm{fm}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Frequency modulation - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on
% Phase modulation -----------------------------
subplot(6, 2, 9)
plot(t, Omega_pm, 'Color', cmap(4, :))
ylabel('\(\Omega_\mathrm{T,pm}(t)\) / \(\mathrm{s^{-1}}\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Phase modulation - Instan. frequency', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on
subplot(6, 2, 10)
plot(t, Phi_pm, 'Color', cmap(4, :))
ylabel('\(\Phi_\mathrm{T,pm}(t)\) / rad', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Phase modulation - Instan. phase', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on
subplot(6, 2, 11)
plot(t, v_pm, 'Color', cmap(4, :))
ylabel('\(v_\mathrm{pm}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Phase modulation - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on
subplot(6, 2, 12)
plot(f, V_pm, 'Color', cmap(4, :))
ylabel('\(|V_\mathrm{pm}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Phase modulation - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)
grid on
Pulse amplitude modulation (click to expand)
% Pulse amplitude modulation
% SuS II (WS22)
close all hidden
cmap = lines;
set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
% Basic parameters
f_s = 500; % Sampling frequency in Hz
f_mod = 20; % Modulation frequency in Hz
f_0 = 1; % Frequency of initial signal in Hz
T_signal = 10; % Signal length in s
f_steep = 5; % Transition band width in Hz
% Calculate support variables
L_signal = T_signal * f_s; % Signal length in samples
T_mod = 1 / f_mod;
f = (-L_signal/2 : L_signal/2 - 1) / L_signal * f_s; % Frequency scale
t = ((0 : L_signal - 1) / f_s)'; % Time scale
% Processing chain for pulse amplitude modulation
% Initial time signal and spectrum -----------------------------
v = sin(2*pi*f_0*t);
V = circshift(abs(fft(v)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Impulse train carrier ---------------------------------------------
v_mod = zeros(length(t), 1);
v_mod(~mod(t, T_mod)) = v_mod(~mod(t, T_mod)) + 1;
V_mod = circshift(abs(fft(v_mod)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
v_mod2 = cos(2*pi*f_mod*t);
% Amplitude modulated signal and spectrum --------------
v_pam = v.*v_mod;
V_pam = circshift(abs(fft(v_pam)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
v_am = v.*v_mod2;
V_am = circshift(abs(fft(v_am)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
V_am = V_am / max(V_am) * max(V_pam); % Adjust magnitude
% Simple butterworth lowpass filter for demodulation ------
f_c = 10; % Cutoff freq in Hz
n = 10; % Filter order
[z,p,k] = butter(n, f_c/(f_s/2));
sosLow = zp2sos(z, p, k);
% FIR lowpass filter for (improved) demodulation ------------
f_lp = f_mod/2 + [-1 1] * f_steep;
a_lp = [1 0];
rp = 1;
rs = 120;
dev = [(10^(rp/20)-1)/(10^(rp/20)+1) 10^(-rs/20)];
[n_ord_lp,fo_lp,ao_lp,w] = firpmord(f_lp,a_lp,dev,f_s);
b_lp = firpm(n_ord_lp+1,fo_lp,ao_lp);
% Plot frequency response if desired
% freqz(b_lp, 1, 2^16, f_s);
% Lowpass filter step ----------------------------------------------------------------
% Choose Butterworth filter...
% v_pam_lp = sosfilt(sosLow, v_pam);
% [h, f_2] = freqz(sosLow, 2^10 * 10, f_s);
% ...or FIR filter
v_pam_lp = filter(b_lp, 1, v_pam);
[h, f_2] = freqz(b_lp, 1, 2^10 * 10, f_s);
% Compute filter frequency response
f_2 = [-flip(f_2); f_2];
h = abs(h);
h = [flip(h); h];
h = h * max(V_pam); % Adjust magnitude
V_pam_lp = circshift(abs(fft(v_pam_lp)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other
tRange = [0, 3 * 1/f_0]; % Limited time axis scale is easier to view
fRange = 3 * [-f_mod, f_mod];
% set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size
% Initial signal -----------------------------
subplot(4, 2, 1)
plot(t, v)
ylabel('\(v(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
title('Input - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)
subplot(4, 2, 2)
plot(f, V)
ylabel('\(|V_(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
title('Input - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)
% Impulse train carrier-----------------
subplot(4, 2, 3)
plot(t, v_mod, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(v_\mathrm{c}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
title('Impulse train - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)
subplot(4, 2, 4)
plot(f, V_mod, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|V_\mathrm{c}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
title('Impulse train - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)
% PAM modulated signal-----------------
subplot(4, 2, 5)
plot(t, v_pam, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(v_\mathrm{pam}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
hold on
title('Modulation - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)
subplot(4, 2, 6)
plot(f, V_pam, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|V_\mathrm{pam}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
hold on
title('Modulation - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)
% Amplitude modulated signal-----------------
subplot(4, 2, 5)
plot(t, v_am, 'LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 0.2)
legend('PAM', 'AM')
subplot(4, 2, 6)
plot(f, V_am, 'LineStyle', '-', 'LineWidth', 0.2)
% Lowpass filter frequency response
subplot(4, 2, 6)
plot(f_2, h, 'Color', cmap(3, :), 'LineStyle', '--', 'LineWidth', 2)
legend('PAM', 'AM', 'Lowpass')
% Lowpass demodulation -----------------------------
subplot(4, 2, 7)
plot(t, v_pam_lp, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(v_\mathrm{lp}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
title('Demodulation - Time signal', 'FontSize', 18)
subplot(4, 2, 8)
plot(f, V_pam_lp, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|V_\mathrm{lp}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\frac{\omega}{2\pi}\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
grid on
title('Demodulation - Spectrum', 'FontSize', 18)
Distributions (click to expand)
% Random distributions
% SuS II (WS21)
close all hidden
cmap = lines;
set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
% Basic parameters
L = 1e4; % Number of random experiments
sigma = 1; % Standard deviation
mu = 1; % Mean value
% Processing chain for random processes
% Initial time signal and spectrum -----------------------------
v_equal = rand(L, 1);
v_gauss = randn(L, 1); % * sigma + mu;
% Sort random values to obtain distribution function
dist_equal = sort(v_equal);
dist_gauss = sort(v_gauss);
% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other
%set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size
% Initial signal -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 1)
plot(v_equal, '.', 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(v_{\mathrm{uni}, k}\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(k\)', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Uniform distribution - Random experiment')
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 2)
plot(v_gauss, '.', 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(v_{\mathrm{gauss},k}\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(k\)', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian distribution - Random experiment')
grid on
% Histogram -----------------
subplot(3, 2, 3)
histogram(v_equal, 100);
ylabel('\(m\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(v_{\mathrm{uni}, k}\)', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Uniform distribution - Histogram')
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 4)
h = histogram(v_gauss, 100);
h.FaceColor = cmap(2, :);
ylabel('\(m\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(v_{\mathrm{gauss},k}\)', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian distribution - Histogram')
grid on
% Distribution -----------------
subplot(3, 2, 5)
plot(dist_equal, (1 : L) / L, 'Color', cmap(1, :), 'LineWidth', 2)
ylabel('\(\hat{F}({v_{\mathrm{uni}, k}})\)', 'FontSize', 20);
xlabel('\(v_{\mathrm{uni}, k}\)', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Uniform distribution - Estimated')
grid on
hold on
subplot(3, 2, 6)
plot(dist_gauss(1 : end), (1 : L) / L, 'Color', cmap(2, :), 'LineWidth', 2)
ylabel('\(\hat{F}({v_{\mathrm{gauss}, k}})\)', 'FontSize', 20);
xlabel('\(v_{\mathrm{gauss},k}\)', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian distribution - Estimated')
grid on
hold on
Correlations I (click to expand)
% CCF and system analysis demo
% SuS II (WS21)
close all hidden
cmap = lines;
set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
% Basic parameters
f_s = 500; % Sampling frequency in Hz
f_mod = 20; % Modulation frequency in Hz
f_0 = 1; % Frequency of initial signal in Hz
f_1 = 250; % Max frequency of chirp in Hz
T_signal = 100; % Signal length in s
sigma = 2; % Standard deviation of gaussian noise
% Calculate support variables
L_signal = T_signal * f_s; % Signal length in samples
T_mod = 1 / f_mod;
f = linspace(-f_s/2, f_s/2, L_signal); % Frequency scale
t = ((0 : L_signal - 1) / f_s)'; % Time scale
tau = (-L_signal + 1 : L_signal - 1) / f_s; % Lag scale
weights = [0.5, 0.1, 0.02]; % Weights for test signal
shifts = [1, 3, 5]; % Shifts for test signal
% Processing chain for auto correlation
% Noise signal and correlationn -----------------------------
v = randn(L_signal, 1) * sigma; % Generate noise
s_v = xcorr(v, v, 'biased'); % Calculate acf
power_est = max(s_v); % Estimate power as max of acf
V = circshift(abs(fft(v)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Butterworth lowpass filter for demodulation -----------------------------
f_c = 10; % Cutoff freq in Hz
n = 20; % Filter order
[z, p, k] = butter(n, f_c/(f_s/2)); % Create Butterworth filter
sos = zp2sos(z, p, k); % Convert to second order subsystem
y = sosfilt(sos, v) + randn(L_signal, 1) * 0.1; % Filter noise signal
Y = circshift(abs(fft(y)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% freqz(sos, 2^16, f_s); % Plot filter
[h, t_h] = impz(sos, 2^16, f_s); % Get Impulse response
s_vy = xcorr(y, v, 'biased')./ power_est; % Get crosscorrelation of v and y
% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other
%set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size
fRange = [-f_s/2, f_s/2];
tRange = [0, T_signal];
% Initial signals -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 1)
plot(t, v, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(v(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - Time signal')
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 2)
plot(f, V, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|V(j\omega)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - Spectrum')
grid on
% Filtered signals -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 3)
plot(t, y, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(y(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Filtered Gaussian noise - Time signal')
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 4)
plot(f, Y, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(|Y(j\omega)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Filtered Gaussian noise - Spectrum')
grid on
% ACF -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 5)
plot(tau, s_v, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
hold on
ylabel('\(s_{v \, v}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - ACF')
grid on
ylim([-1 max(s_v) * 1.2])
subplot(3, 2, 5)
stem(0, power_est, 'Color', cmap(2, :), 'LineStyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 2)
legend('ACF', 'Estimated power')
% Impulse response -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 6)
plot(t_h, h, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
hold on
ylabel('\(h_{0}(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Impulse response')
xlim([0 2])
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 6)
plot(tau, s_vy, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
legend('Ground truth', 'Estimated')
Correlations II (click to expand)
% ACF and CCF demo
% SuS II (WS21)
close all hidden
cmap = lines;
set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
% Basic parameters
f_s = 500; % Sampling frequency in Hz
f_mod = 20; % Modulation frequency in Hz
f_0 = 1; % Frequency of initial signal in Hz
f_1 = 250; % Max frequency of chirp in Hz
T_signal = 10; % Signal length in s
T_m = 3; % Correlation length for test signal in s
sigma = 1; % Standard dev. of additive noise
scale_figures = false; % Scale window for uwqhd display
% Calculate support variables
L_signal = T_signal * f_s; % Signal length in samples
T_mod = 1 / f_mod;
f = linspace(-f_s/2, f_s/2, L_signal); % Frequency scale
t = ((0 : L_signal - 1) / f_s)'; % Time scale
tau = (-L_signal + 1 : L_signal - 1) / f_s; % Lag scale
weights = [0.5, 0, 0]; % Weights for test signal
shifts = [1, 3, 5]; % Shifts for test signal
% Processing chain for auto correlation
% Cos time signal and correlation -----------------------------
v = cos(2*pi*f_0*t);
s_v = xcorr(v, v, 'coeff');
V = circshift(abs(fft(v)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
S_v = circshift(abs(fft(s_v(L_signal : end))) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
% Test signal for cross correlation -----------------------------
% Use one second of v (v_s) and fill up with zeros
% Create test signal a as weighted sum of shifted signal v_s
% Add additional noise
v_s = v;
v_s(T_m*f_s + 1 : end) = zeros(L_signal - T_m*f_s, 1);
a = weights(1) * circshift(v_s, shifts(1) * f_s) + weights(2) * circshift(v_s, shifts(2) * f_s) + weights(3) * circshift(v_s, shifts(3) * f_s) + randn(L_signal, 1) * sigma;
s_a = xcorr(a, v_s);
% Noise signal and correlationn -----------------------------
u = randn(L_signal, 1);
s_u = xcorr(u, u, 'coeff');
U = circshift(abs(fft(u)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
S_u = circshift(abs(fft(s_u(L_signal : end))) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
u_s = u;
u_s(T_m*f_s + 1 : end) = zeros(L_signal - T_m*f_s, 1);
b = weights(1) * circshift(u_s, shifts(1) * f_s) + weights(2) * circshift(u_s, shifts(2) * f_s) + weights(3) * circshift(u_s, shifts(3) * f_s) + randn(L_signal, 1) * sigma;
s_b = xcorr(b, u_s);
% Chirp signal and correlation -----------------------------
w = chirp(t, f_0, 10, f_1);
s_w = xcorr(w, w, 'coeff');
W = circshift(abs(fft(w)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
S_w = circshift(abs(fft(s_w(L_signal : end))) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2));
w_s = w;
w_s(T_m * f_s + 1 : end) = zeros(L_signal - T_m*f_s, 1);
c = weights(1) * circshift(w_s, shifts(1) * f_s) + weights(2) * circshift(w_s, shifts(2) * f_s) + weights(3) * circshift(w_s, shifts(3) * f_s) + randn(L_signal, 1) * sigma;
s_c = xcorr(c, w_s');
% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other
if scale_figures
set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size
% Cos signal -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 1)
plot(t, v, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(v(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Sinusoid - Time signal')
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 2)
plot(tau, s_v, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(s_{v \, v}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Sinusoid - ACF')
grid on
% Gaussian noise -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 3)
plot(t, u, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(u(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - Time signal')
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 4)
plot(tau, s_u, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(s_{u \, u}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - ACF')
grid on
% Chirp signal -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 5)
plot(t, w, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(w(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Linear chirp - Time signal')
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 6)
plot(tau, s_w, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(s_{w \, w}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Linear chirp - ACF')
grid on
fRange = [-f_s/2, f_s/2];
if scale_figures
set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size
% Cos spectrum -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 1)
plot(f, V, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|V(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Sinusoid - Spectrum')
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 2)
plot(f, S_v, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(|S_{v \, v}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Sinusoid - PSD')
grid on
% Noise spectrum -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 3)
plot(f, U, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|U(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - Spectrum')
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 4)
plot(f, S_u, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(|S_{u \, u}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - PSD')
grid on
% Chirp spectrum -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 5)
plot(f, W, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(|W(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Linear chirp - Spectrum')
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 6)
plot(f, S_w, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(|S_{w \, w}(jw)|\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(f\) [Hz]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Linear chirp - PSD')
grid on
if scale_figures
set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size
% Cos signal -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 1)
plot(t, a, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(a(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Sinusoid - Test signal')
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 2)
plot(tau, s_a, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(s_{v \, a}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Sinusoid - CCF')
grid on
% Gaussian noise signal -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 3)
plot(t, b, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(b(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - Time signal')
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 4)
plot(tau, s_b, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(s_{u \, b}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Gaussian noise - CCF')
grid on
% Chirp signal -----------------------------
subplot(3, 2, 5)
plot(t, c, 'Color', cmap(1, :))
ylabel('\(c(t)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(t\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Linear chirp - Test signal')
grid on
subplot(3, 2, 6)
plot(tau, s_c, 'Color', cmap(2, :))
ylabel('\(s_{w \, c}(\tau)\)', 'FontSize', 20)
xlabel('\(\tau\) [s]', 'FontSize', 20);
title('Linear chirp - CCF')
grid on
% Energy considerations -----------------------------
e_v = sum(v.^2 * 1/f_s)
disp("Gaussian noise")
e_u = sum(u.^2 * 1/f_s)
disp("Linear chirp")
e_w = sum(w.^2 * 1/f_s)
State space (click to expand)
% State space
% SuS II (WS21)
close all hidden
set(groot, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'LaTeX');
set(groot, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14);
set(groot, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'LaTeX');
% Basic paramters
f_s = 10; % Sampling frequency in Hz
T_signal = 3; % Signal length in s
% Calculate support variables
L_signal = T_signal * f_s; % Signal length in samples
t = (0 : L_signal - 1) / f_s; % Time scale
T_s = 1 / f_s; % Sample period
df = (f_s / 2) / (L_signal / 2); % Frequency resolution
f = linspace(- (L_signal / 2 - 1)*df, (L_signal / 2)*df, L_signal);
% System specifications
L = 1; % Input num
N = 2; % State num
R = 1; % Output num
% System, input, output und feedthrough matrix
A = [1, 0; 0, 0];
B = [1; 0];
C = [1, 0];
D = 0;
% A = [1, T_s; 0, 1];
% B = [0; T_s/1];
% C = [1, 0];
% D = 0;
% Generate input time signal
% Input signal
v = ones(L, L_signal);
%v(1) = 1;
%v(6) = 1;
%v = sin(2*pi*t) + 1;
%v(:, f_s) = ones(L, 1);
% v = ones(L, L_signal);
x = zeros(N, L_signal);
y = zeros(R, L_signal);
% System processing
for n = 1 : L_signal
if n < L_signal
x(:, n + 1) = A*x(:, n) + B*v(:, n); % State vector update
y(:, n) = C*x(:, n) + D*v(:,n); % Output vector update
% FFT processing
V = circshift(abs(fft(v)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2) - 1);
X = zeros(N, L_signal);
for i = 1 : N
X(1, :) = circshift(abs(fft(x(1, :))) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2) - 1);
Y = circshift(abs(fft(y)) / L_signal, - ceil(L_signal/2) - 1);
% Plots
% Evaluate section by section to get plots after each other
% set(gcf, 'Position', [2000 0 1400 1400]) % Set window size
subplot(3, 2, 1)
hold on
for i = 1 : L
stem(t, v(i, :))
grid on
xlabel('\(n \,T_s\) [s]')
title('Input vector - Time signal')
subplot(3, 2, 2)
hold on
for i = 1 : L
stem(f, V(i, :))
xlabel('\(\frac{f_s}{M}\mu \) [Hz]')
grid on
title('Input vector - Spectrum')
subplot(3, 2, 3)
hold on
for i = 1 : N
stem(t, x(i, :))
xlabel('\(n \,T_s\) [s]')
grid on
title('State vector - Time signal')
subplot(3, 2, 4)
hold on
for i = 1 : N
stem(f, X(i, :))
xlabel('\(\frac{f_s}{M}\mu \) [Hz]')
grid on
title('State vector - Spectrum')
subplot(3, 2, 5)
hold on
for i = 1 : R
stem(t, y(i, :))
xlabel('\(n \,T_s\) [s]')
grid on
title('Output vector - Time signal')
subplot(3, 2, 6)
hold on
for i = 1 : R
stem(f, Y(i, :))
xlabel('\(\frac{f_s}{M}\mu \) [Hz]')
grid on
title('Output vector - Spectrum')
Additional Matlab Examples
Central limit theorem (click to expand)
% Parameter fuer die Generierung von gleichverteilten Zufallsvariablen
m_v = 0.0; % Mittelwert
var_v = 1.0; % Varianz
N = 400000; % Anzahl der Variablen pro Experiment
M = 4; % Anzahl der summierten Zufallsvariablen
% Erzeugen der Zufallszahlen
V = ((rand(M,N) - 0.5) / sqrt(12) * sqrt(var_v)) + m_v;
% Nicht-normierte Histogramm-Analyse der ersten Zufallsvariablen
fig = figure(1);
set(fig,'Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);
[h,x] = hist(V(1,:),20);
xlabel('Variable v_1');
grid on
% Histogramm-Analyse der einzelnen Zufallsvariablen
A_min = -0.6;
A_max = 0.6;
IntWidth = (A_max - A_min) / 50;
IntVec = A_min:IntWidth:A_max;
HistRes = zeros(M,length(IntVec));
for k = 1:M
HistRes(k,:) = hist(V(k,:),IntVec) / (N * IntWidth);
% Darstellung der einzelnen Histogrammanalysen
fig = figure(2);
set(fig,'Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);
for k = 1:min(4,M)
grid on;
xlabel(['Variable v_',num2str(k)']);
axis([A_min A_max -0.05*max(HistRes(k,:)) 1.05*max(HistRes(k,:))]);
ylabel('Relative Haeufigkeit');
% Summation der Zufallsvariablen
v = zeros(1,N);
for k = 1:M
v = v + V(k,:);
% Histogrammanalyse der Summation
histRes = hist(v,IntVec) / (N * IntWidth);
% Darstellung der Histogrammanalyse der Summe
fig = figure(3);
set(fig,'Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);
grid on;
xlabel('Variable y');
axis([A_min A_max -0.05*max(histRes) 1.05*max(histRes)]);
ylabel('Relative Haeufigkeit');
% Darstellung einer Gauss-Dichte
f_g = 1/(std(v)*sqrt(2*pi)) * exp( -0.5 * ((IntVec-mean(v))/std(v)).^2);
hold on
hold off
Matlabdemo for exercise ''Amplitudenmodulation'' (click to expand)
%% Example for single-sideband modulation and "double"-sideband modulation
% -> general concept
% -> advantage of singe-sibeband modulation (reduced error caused by frequency shift)
% Jens Reermann
%% Reset
clear all;
close all;
%% Parameter
phi_error = 0; %pi*0.48;
%% Load signal
[u, fs_sig] = audioread( 'signals/interview_heino.wav' );
u = sin(2*pi*fsig/fs_sig.*n)'+randn(Nsig,1);
%% LP 3kHz | 4kHz
f = [ f_l f_h];
a = [1 0];
rp = 1;
rs = 120;
dev = [ (10^(rp/20)-1)/(10^(rp/20)+1) 10^(-rs/20)];
[n_ord,fo,ao,w] = firpmord(f,a,dev,f_s);
b = firpm(n_ord+1,fo,ao);
u_f = filter(b,1,u);
%% Carrier signals
%% Modulation
f_bp = [ fc fc+1000 fc+f_l fc+f_h];
a_bp = [0 1 0];
dev_bp = [10^(-rs/20) (10^(rp/20)-1)/(10^(rp/20)+1) 10^(-rs/20)];
[n_ord_bp,fo_bp,ao_bp,w] = firpmord(f_bp,a_bp,dev_bp,f_s);
b_bp = firpm(n_ord_bp+1,fo_bp,ao_bp);
m_bp = filtfilt(b_bp,1,m); %SSB
%% Demodulation
% *cos
% LP
u_df = filter(b,1,u_d);
u_df_bp = filter(b,1,u_d_bp);
u_def = filter(b,1,u_de);
u_def_bp = filter(b,1,u_de_bp);
%% Play signalss
%% PSD estimation
[Puu, F] = pwelch(u,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pufuf, F] = pwelch(u_f,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pmm, F] = pwelch(m,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pmm_bp, F] = pwelch(m_bp,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pudfudf, F] = pwelch(u_df,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pudefudef, F] = pwelch(u_def,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pudfudf_bp, F] = pwelch(u_df_bp,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
[Pudefudef_bp, F] = pwelch(u_def_bp,hann(N_FFT),N_FFT-N_FFT/4,N_FFT,f_s);
%% Plotting (Modulation)
[val1 ind1] =max(10*log10(Puu));
[val2 ind2] =max(10*log10(Pmm));
[val3 ind3] =max(10*log10(Pmm_bp));
y_lims=[-160 -50];
y_lims=[-100 10];
plot(F, 10*log10(Puu));
text(F(ind1),val1,[num2str(val1) 'dB']);
xlabel('f / Hz');ylabel('LDS / dB');xlim([0 f_s/2]);ylim(y_lims);
hold on;
plot(F, 10*log10(Pufuf),'r');
xlabel('f / Hz');ylabel('LDS / dB');xlim([0 f_s/2]);ylim(y_lims);
plot(F, 10*log10(Pmm),'g');
text(F(ind2),val2,[num2str(val2) 'dB']);
xlabel('f / Hz');ylabel('LDS / dB');xlim([0 f_s/2]);ylim(y_lims);
plot(F, 10*log10(Pmm_bp),'k');
text(F(ind3),val3,[num2str(val3) 'dB']);
xlabel('f / Hz');ylabel('LDS / dB');xlim([0 f_s/2]);ylim(y_lims);
hold off;
%% Plotting (Demodulation)
[val3 ind3] =max(10*log10(Pufuf));
[val4 ind4] =max(10*log10(Pudfudf));
[val5 ind5] =max(10*log10(Pudefudef));
[val6 ind6] =max(10*log10(Pudefudef_bp));
xlim([0 f_h+1000]);
ylabel('LDS / dB');
xlabel('f / Hz');
ylim=[-160 -50];
ylim=[-100 10];
hold on;
plot(F, 10*log10(Pufuf));
text(F(ind3),val3,[num2str(val3) 'dB']);
plot(F, 10*log10(Pudfudf),'g');
text(F(ind4),val4,[num2str(val4) 'dB']);
plot(F, 10*log10(Pudefudef),'r');
text(F(ind5),val5,[num2str(val5) 'dB']);
plot(F, 10*log10(Pudefudef_bp),'k');
text(F(ind6),val6,[num2str(val6) 'dB']);
hold off;
disp( [ num2str(20*log10(cos(phi_error))) ] );
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