Lecture "Advanced Digital Signal Processing"


Basic Information
Lecturers: Gerhard Schmidt (lecture) and Christian Kanarski (exercise)
Room: Building F, room F-SR-II
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Language: English
Target group: Students in electrical engineering and computer engineering
Prerequisites: Basic Knowledge about signals and systems

Students attending this lecture should be able to implement efficient and robust signal processing structures. Knowledge about moving from the analog to the digital domain and vice versa including the involved effects (and trap doors) should be acquired. Also differences (advantages and disadvantages) between time and frequency domain approaches should be learnt.

Topic overview:

  • Digital processing of continuous-time signals
  • Efficient FIR structures
  • DFT and FFT
  • Digital filters (FIR filters/IIR filters)
  • Multirate digital signal processing
References: J. G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis: Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications, Prentice Hall,
S. K. Mitra: Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach, McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2000
A. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer: Discrete-time signal processing, Prentice Hall, 1999, 2nd edition
M. H. Hayes: Statistical Signal Processing and Modeling, John Wiley and Sons, 1996



There will be no exercise after the first lecture on Friday the 27.10.2023. The first exercise will be held after the lecture on Friday the 03.11.2023.


Lecture Slides

Link Content
Slides of the lecture "Introduction"
(Contents, literature, analog versus digital signal processing)
Slides of the lecture "Digital processing of continuous-time signals"
(Sampling, Quantization, AD and DA conversion)
Slides of the lecture "Efficient FIR structures"
(DFT and signal processing, FFT, DFT of real sequences)
Slides of the lecture "DFT/FFT"
(DFT and signal processing, FFT, DFT of real sequences)
Slides of the lecture "Digital filters"
(FIR filters, IIR filters, analysis and design)
Slides of the lecture "Multi-rate digital signal processing"
(Upsampling, downsampling, filter banks)



Please note that the questionnaires will be uploaded every week before the excercises, if you download them earlier, you won't get the most recent version.

Link Content
Exercise 1: Sampling
Exercise 2: Quantization



Current evaluation Completed evaluations


Matlab demos

Matlab file for the comparison of window sequences (click to expand)

% Comparison of "standard" and a bit more "advanced" window functions

% Basis parameters
N_win =   64;
N_dft = 1024*16;

% Basic windows - rectangle window
h_rec     = ones(N_win,1);
h_rec     = h_rec / sum(h_rec);

H_rec     = fft(h_rec,N_dft);
H_rec     = H_rec(1:N_dft/2+1);
H_rec_log = 20*log10(abs(H_rec)+eps);

% Basic windows - Hann window
h_han     = hann(N_win);
h_han     = h_han / sum(h_han);

H_han     = fft(h_han,N_dft);
H_han     = H_han(1:N_dft/2+1);
H_han_log = 20*log10(abs(H_han)+eps);

% Basic windows - Hamming window
h_ham     = hamming(N_win);
h_ham     = h_ham / sum(h_ham);

H_ham     = fft(h_ham,N_dft);
H_ham     = H_ham(1:N_dft/2+1);
H_ham_log = 20*log10(abs(H_ham)+eps);

% Advanced windows - "Chebyshev" window
h_che     = chebwin(N_win,10);
h_che     = h_che / sum(h_che);

H_che     = fft(h_che,N_dft);
H_che     = H_che(1:N_dft/2+1);
H_che_log = 20*log10(abs(H_che)+eps);

% Advanced windows - "Prolate" window
h_pro     = dpss(N_win,1.18);
h_pro     = h_pro / sum(h_pro);

H_pro     = fft(h_pro,N_dft);
H_pro     = H_pro(1:N_dft/2+1);
H_pro_log = 20*log10(abs(H_pro)+eps);

% Show results
fig = figure(1);
f = (0:N_dft/2)/N_dft*2;

plot(f,H_rec_log,'b', ...
     f,H_han_log,'r', ...
     f,H_ham_log,'k', ...
     f,H_che_log,'m', ...
     f,H_pro_log,'c', ...
legend('Rectangle window', ...
       'Hann window', ...
       'Hamming window', ...
       'Chebyshev window', ...
       'Prolate spheroidal window')
grid on;
xlabel('Normalized frequency \(\Omega/\pi\)','interpreter','latex');
ylim([-90 10])

Matlab file for the effects of quantization on filter design (click to expand)

% Design parameters
N   =  8;     % Filter order
f_c =  0.1;   % Normalized cut-off frequency (0 ... 1)
R_p =  0.5;   % Ripple in dB in passband
R_s = 80;     % Stopband attenuation in dB

% Design of an elliptic lowpass filter
[b,a] = ellip(N, R_p, R_s, f_c);

% Show frequency response
fig = figure(1);
set(fig,'Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);
[H,Omega] = freqz(b,a,2048*4,'whole',2);
grid on
axis([0 2 (-R_s -20) 20])
xlabel('Normalized frequency \Omega/\pi')

% Quantization
B = 32; % Number of bits

a_max = max(abs(a));
b_max = max(abs(b));

a_q = round(a / a_max * 2^B) / 2^B * a_max;
b_q = round(b / b_max * 2^B) / 2^B * b_max;

% Show frequency response of quantized filter
[H_q,Omega] = freqz(b_q,a_q,2048*4,'whole',2);
hold on;
hold off;
legend('Non-quantized',['Quantized with ',num2str(B),' bits'])

% Show coefficients
format long;

% Transform to cascade of biquad filters
[sos,g] = tf2sos(b,a);

[L,L_tmp] = size(sos);

sos_q = round(sos / max(max(abs(sos))) * 2^B) / 2^B * max(max(abs(sos)));
g_q   = round(g^(1/L) * 2^B) / 2^B;

H_bq_q = freqz(g_q*sos_q(1,1:3),sos_q(1,4:6),2048*4,'whole',2);
for k = 2:L
    H_bq_q = H_bq_q .* freqz(g_q*sos_q(k,1:3),sos_q(k,4:6),2048*4,'whole',2);

% Show frequency response of quantized biquad filters
[H_q,Omega] = freqz(b_q,a_q,2048*4,'whole',2);
hold on;
hold off;
legend('Non-quantized',['Quantized with ',num2str(B),' bits'],...
       'Biquad structure (also qunatized)');



Remember to register for the exam in the QiS system! And book a time-slot for your oral exam using this form.